Page 52 - Bonhams Ming and Qing Cloisonne Hong Kong December 2, 2021
P. 52

           Mid Ming Dynasty
           Of circular section, the slightly convex top of the cover brightly
           enamelled with a winged long-tailed makara dragon with open jaws
           issuing a string of pearls and a long-stemmed lotus flower, all amidst
           clouds on a turquoise ground above rolling waves, the sides of the
           box and cover similarly decorated with continuous lotus scrolls.
           11.7cm (4 3/4in) diam. (2).

           HKD500,000 - 800,000
           US$64,000 - 100,000

           明中期 銅胎掐絲琺瑯摩迦羅紋蓋盒

           This exquisite box and cover belongs to a small group of cloisonné   盒圓身,子母口,蓋面及器壁面以藍色釉為地,蓋面飾一穿花摩羯龍
           enamel wares decorated with a makara dragon striding above rolling   紋,填以深藍色琺瑯釉為地,騰飛於雲海間,獸口大張,口含一枝蓮
           waves. These were made between the second half of the 15th century   花,下垂瓔珞,呈吞雲吐霧之勢,其身滿佈鱗片,雙翼展於兩側,長
           and the first half of the 16th century.           尾高揚於身後,末端捲曲,填以紅、黃、藍、白、黑、綠色琺瑯,豔
           Compare four related cloisonné enamel examples in the Palace   滿,葉脈蜷曲動人,琺瑯釉顏色明潤,瑩亮潤澤,光鮮亮麗。
           Museum, Beijing, mid Ming dynasty, in the Qing Court Collection, all
           similarly decorated with makara dragons striding above sea weaves,   北京故宮博物院清宮舊藏的明代中期掐絲琺瑯器中,亦有飾摩迦羅紋
           including a long-necked vase, two tripod incense burners, a bowl   的例子,包括摩羯紋雙螭長頸瓶一件,掐絲琺瑯摩羯紋鼎式爐兩件,
           and a dish, illustrated in Compendium of Collections in the Palace   以及碗、盤各一件,著錄於《故宮博物院藏品大系:琺瑯器編1》,
           Museum: Enamels 1, Beijing, 2011, nos.69, 87, 88, 91 and 95. See   北京,2011年,編號69、87、88、91及95。另見台北故宮博物院藏
           also a further related cloisonné enamel zhadou, first half of the 16th   一件明代十六世紀前期掐絲琺瑯摩羯尊,著錄於《明清琺瑯器展覽圖
           century, in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, illustrated in Enamel   錄》,台北,1999年,編號6。
           Ware in the Ming and Ch’ing Dynasty, Taipei, 1999, no.6.
           See four more cloisonné enamel bowls decorated with makara   Lyon-Goldschmidt舊藏,著錄於H. Garner,《Chinese and Japanese
           dragons: the first in the collection of D. Lyon-Goldschmidt,   Cloisonné Enamels》,倫敦,1962年,圖版31A;第二例著錄於
           illustrated by H.Garner, Chinese and Japanese Cloisonné Enamels,   H.Brinker and A.Lutz編,《Chinesisches Cloisonné: Die Sammlung
           London, 1962, pl.31A; the second in the Pierre Uldry collection,   Pierre Uldry》,蘇黎世,1984年,圖版88;第三例在紐約大都會
           illustrated by H.Brinker and A.Lutz, Chinesisches Cloisonné: Die   藝術博物館,年份定位15世紀,著錄於B. Quette編,《Cloisonné:
           Sammlung Pierre Uldry, Zurich, 1984, pl.88; the third bowl in the   Chinese Enamels from the Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties》,紐
           Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, dated to the 15th century,   約,2011年,編號27。另見紐約佳士得曾售出一件明銅胎掐絲琺琅摩
           illustrated by B.Quette, ed., Cloisonné: Chinese Enamels from the   迦羅紋鋪首尊,2014年9月18日,編號606,
           Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties, New York, 2011, no.27; and a
           cloisonné enamel bowl, 15th/early 16th century, which was sold at   摩羯一詞乃從梵文「makara」音譯而來,又稱摩迦羅,實為帶佛教風
           Christie’s New York, 18 September 2014, lot 606.   格的一種夔龍紋,惟常與蓮莖同時出現在器物上。明中早期宮廷承襲
           The makara is a dragon-like mythical beast with a split and foliated tail   材。明代中早期的瓷器、掐絲琺瑯以及絲織品上常有裝飾。參考一件
           and a floral scroll issuing from its mouth. Originating in Hindu mythology,   北京故宮藏明宣德青花夔龍紋罐之龍紋,見《故宮博物院藏文物珍品
           the iconography of makara evolved in Tibetan Buddhism and became   全集青花釉裡紅(上)》,上海,2000年,編號100。香草龍更出現
           a popular motif depicted in Ming dynasty Imperial works of art. The   在明代成化一朝的青花瓷器上,或跟憲宗篤信藏傳佛教有關。可比較
           depiction of the makara dragons and lotus blossoms illustrates the   台北故宮藏一件明成化天天字款鬥彩夔龍紋罐,見《成化瓷器特展圖
           important relationship during the early to mid-Ming dynasty, between   錄》,台北,2003年,頁127,編號113。紐約大都會博物館藏一件
           the Imperial court and Tibetan Buddhism, as continuation of the   十五世紀早期閻曼德迦-大威德金剛唐卡所繡龍紋亦可比較之,見屈
           close relationship between the Yuan emperors and Tibetan hierarchs,   志仁及D.P.Leidy著,《Defining Yongle: Imperial Art in Early Fifteenth-
           and as means of exerting Imperial influence of the region as well as,   Century China》,紐約,2005年,圖版35。
           occasionally, gaining religious legitimacy within the realm.

           Makara dragons were depicted during the 15th and 16th centuries
           in other mediums including porcelain and textiles. Compare with a
           blue and white ‘makara’ jar, Xuande mark and period, in the Qing
           Court Collection, illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures
           of the Palace Museum: Blue and White Porcelain with Underglazed
           Red, Shanghai, 2000, no.100; see also a doucai jar and cover with
           makara dragons, Chenghua period, in the National Palace Museum,
           Taipei, illustrated in Catalogue of the Special Exhibition of Ch’eng-Hua
           Porcelain Ware, Taipei, 2003, p.127, no.113; and compare with a detail
           of a makara dragon on an embroidered silk thangka of Yamantaka-
           Vajrabhairava, early 15th century, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art,
           New York, illustrated by J.C.Y.Watt and D.P.Leidy, Defining Yongle:
           Imperial Art in Early Fifteenth-Century China, New York, 2005, pl.35.

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