Page 86 - Bonhams Ming and Qing Cloisonne Hong Kong December 2, 2021
P. 86

The present panel is striking for its impressive size and the   掛屏四方形,屏芯以掐絲琺瑯飾荷塘清趣圖,以深淺的綠色琺瑯彩飾
           exceptional quality of its realistic renditions of the lotus leaves in   水波紋以及大片荷葉於荷塘之上,間以盛開的荷花,遠處飾山石桂花
           different tones. Various tones of green, yellow and red enamels are   樹,樹枝蔓延至荷塘之上,枝上桂花多多盛開,屏邊飾纏枝蓮花一
           skilfully applied to the lotus leaves and flowers, providing a painting-  周。此掛屏掐絲作筆,填彩成墨,荷葉以濃淡不同至琺瑯區分以變現
           like aquatic scene with a sense of light and shadow.   層次及光影,猶如一幅著色水墨畫,技藝之高超。

           A much smaller but closely related cloisonne enamelled panel (39.5   參看一例尺寸較小的十七世紀上半葉銅胎掐絲琺瑯荷塘白鷺屏,著錄
           x 55cm) depicting a similar scene and similarly framed by a border   於, H.Brinker and A.Lutz, 《Chinesisches Cloisonné: Die Sammlung
           of sinuous lotus sprays, dated to the first half of the 17th century,   Pierre Uldry》,蘇黎世,1984年,圖版155。另見清宮舊藏一件明晚
           is illustrated by H.Brinker and A.Lutz, Chinesisches Cloisonné: Die   期 掐絲琺瑯荷塘白鷺圖缸,《故宮博物院藏文物珍品系:金屬胎琺瑯
           Sammlung Pierre Uldry, Zurich, 1984, pl.155. See also a related   器》,香港,2001年,編號62。
           cloisonné enamel vat decorated with a lotus pond and egret in the
           Qing Court Collection, illustrated in The Complete Collection of   對比參考一件巴黎裝飾藝術博物館藏十七世紀掐絲琺瑯山石牡丹花
           Treasures of the Palace Museum: Metal-bodied Enamel Ware,   鳥掛屏,其牡丹葉掐絲技法、使用濃淡不一色彩的表現手法以及錦
           Hong Kong, 2002, no.62.                           地紋飾均與本拍品非常相似,見B. Quette, ed. 《Cloisonné. Chinese
                                                             Enamels from the Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties》, 紐約,2011
           The texture of the enamelling and precise decorative techniques,   年,頁142,圖7.25。
           notably the large lotus leaf with gently undulating edges and the
           similar diamond diaper ground, are closely related to a cloisonné   另見香港蘇富比曾售出一件銅胎掐絲琺瑯山居人物圖掛屏,尺寸與本
           enamel ‘birds and flowers’ panel, 17th century, illustrated by   拍品相當(85.5 x 33釐米),2018年4月2日,拍品編號3438。
           B.Quette, ed. Cloisonné. Chinese Enamels from the Yuan, Ming,
           and Qing Dynasties, New York, 2011, p.142, fig.7.25.

           See also a related cloisonné enamel ‘landscape’ panel of similar size
           (85.5 x 33cm), Jiajing/Wanli Period, which was sold at Sotheby’s
           Hong Kong, 2 April 2018, lot 3438.

           Image after B. Quette, ed. Cloisonné. Chinese Enamels from the Yuan, Ming,
           and Qing Dynasties, New York, 2011, p.142, fig.7.25.

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