Page 129 - important chinese art mar 22 2018
P. 129


           A RARE ARCHAIC BRONZE            Related " nials of this type include one of   ਠ͋   Гմڋ   ڡზᛧᕡᖕࠦ७ӂ࠯
           DOUBLE-SIDED POLE FINIAL         larger size and cast with a human face below   Ը๕
                                            the large animal mask, from the David David-
           LATE SHANG / EARLY WESTERN                                         Willem van Heusden  1913 2009  ϗᔛ
                                            Weill Collection, sold in our Paris rooms, 16th
           ZHOU DYNASTY                     December 2015, lot 7. Another from the Pillsbury   Mathias Komordॲߒd1953ϋ10˜23˚
                                            Collection is illustrated in Alan Priest, Chinese   Richard C  Bull ͸ᙨϗᔛ
           of D-shaped section, cast to one side with a
                                            Bronzes of the Shang (1766-1122 B.C.) through   ɪש׵ᘽబˢ Parke Bernetd1983ϋ12˜6
           taotie mask, detailed with bulging eyes, ! ared
                                            the T’ang Dynasty (A.D. 618-906), New York,
           nostrils, spreading ears, and large C-shaped                       ˚dᇜ໮35
                                            1938, cat. no. 124. One in the British Museum,
           horns, the reverse with a raised mythical beast
                                            London, is published in William Watson,   ࢝ᚎ
           head with ! at-ended horns sweeping back over
                                            Handbook to the Collections of Early Chinese   Arts of the Chou Dynasty‘d౶վ၅ɽኪ
           the protruding eyes and the broad nose gently
                                            Antiquities, London, 1963, pl. 12. Two from the   ௹ي᎜d౶վ၅d1958ϋdᇜ໮16
           curved with a central ridge, pierced to one side
                                            Avery Brundage Collection are shown in René-  ɽኪ௹ي᎜d൬۬d1959ϋ
           with a square aperture, the surface with areas of
                                            Yvon Levebvre d’Argencé, Bronze Vessels of
           malachite encrustation, wood stand (2)                             ̈و
                                            Ancient China in the Avery Brundage Collection,
           Height 4⅛ in., 10.5 cm
                                            San Francisco, 1977, pls. XXIV.b and c. One is   Willem van HeusdendAncient Chinese
           PROVENANCE                       illustrated in Zhongguo meishu quanji: Diaosu bian   Bronzes‘d؇ԯd1952ϋdྡوLV
                                            [The complete series on Chinese Art. Sculpture],
           Collection of Willem van Heusden (1913-2009).
                                            Beijing, 1988, vol. 1, pl. 99. A further example was
           Mathias Komor, New York, 23rd October 1953.
                                            sold at Sotheby’s London, 6th April 1976, lot,
           Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Bull.
           O+ ered at Sotheby Parke Bernet, 6th December   12, and is now in the collection of the Idemitsu
                                            Museum of Arts, Tokyo, published in Giuseppe
           1983, lot 35.
                                            Eskenazi, A Dealer’s Hand. The Chinese Art World
           EXHIBITED                        through the Eyes of Giuseppe Eskenazi, London,
                                            2012, pl. 7. Compare also a related " nial with two
           Arts of the Chou Dynasty, Stanford University
                                            circular apertures, sold in our London rooms, 14th
           Museum, Stanford, 1958, cat. no. 16.
                                            November 2001, lot 11.
           University Museum, Philadelphia, 1959.
                                            $ 50,000-70,000
           Willem van Heusden, Ancient Chinese Bronzes,
           Tokyo, 1952, pl. LV.

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