Page 81 - CHINA 5000 YEARS my 26 27 2021 HK
P. 81


           A RARE AND EXQUISITELY CARVED CINNABAR    清乾隆   剔紅秋山漁樂圖海棠式蓋盒
           35.4 cm

           HK$ 200,000-300,000
           US$ 25,800-38,700

           The dynamism and detail of the present piece reveals   本品紋飾生動細緻,展現乾隆一朝奢華品味及雕漆藝
           the opulent taste of the Qianlong Emperor and the zenith   術成就,雕工利落,深淺有致,刻劃秋山漁船,漁翁
           of lacquer carving achieved during his reign. Delicately   輕盪竹筏,撒網捕魚,河邊趕鴨之景,構圖細膩,景
           rendered with crisp carving in various depths, the present   緻怡人。
           box depicts a sophisticated composition of idyllic Autumn
           landscape by the riverbanks.
           Boxes of this type were possibly made in the Lacquer   細緻,可比較北京故宮博物院珍藏數例,包括一件葵
           Workshops of the Zaobanchu (Imperial Palace Workshop)   式盒例,乾隆年器並款,載於《故宮博物院藏文物珍
           located in the Forbidden City. The dramatic contrast
           between boldly cut outlines and delicately incised details   品全集.清代漆器》,香港,2006年,圖版7。
           on the present piece is reminiscent of examples among
           the collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing, such as a   如本盒之海棠式盒甚為罕見,參考一例,器型相近而
           Qianlong mark and period lobed lacquer box illustrated in   尺寸較小,盒側亦圍飾八吉祥紋,售於倫敦蘇富比
           The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum.   2019年5月15日,編號80。
           Lacquer Wares of the Qing Dynasty, Hong Kong, 2006, pl. 7.
           Cinnabar lacquer boxes of this quatrelobed form are rare.
           Compare a related example of this shape, slightly smaller
           but also carved with the bajixiang emblems around the sides,
           sold at Sotheby’s London, 15th May 2019, lot 80.

                                                                                                                                                                                   two views

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