Page 45 - 2019 September 12th Christie's New York Chiense Art Masterpieces of Chinese Gold and Silver
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1 The Sword of Goujian—which is believed to have been made c. 510 BC for Goujian 1 越王勾踐劍據說是公元前510年特為勾踐 (公元前464年卒,公元前496至464年為越王)
(d. 464; reigned as King of Yue from 496 until 464 BC)—was found sheathed in a 製作而成,配有黑漆木鞘。寶劍入鞘後嚴絲合縫,即便越王墓曾遇水災,墓內殘留了兩千
wooden scabbard fnished in black lacquer. The scabbard had a virtually air-tight ft 多年前的積水,但此劍出鞘之際仍光潔如新。
with the sword body. When unsheathed, the sword revealed an untarnished blade, even
2 詳見: 楊軍昌, 保羅傑特與 陳建立著作 《先秦金器》(北京: 文武出版社), 2017年,
though the tomb had long ago fooded and had contained water for more than
2,000 years. 120頁, 圖版 3-14, 121頁, 圖版 3-15a。
3 詳見: 陝西省考古研究院, 上海博物館編, 《兩國封國論衡:陝西韓城出土芮國文物暨周
2 Yang Junchang, Paul Jett, and Chen Jianli, Gold in Ancient China: 2000-200 BC,
代封國考古學研究國際學術研討會論文集》, (上海: 上海古籍出版社), 第1版, 2014年,以
number four in the series Archaeometallurgy, (Beijing: Cultural Relics Press), 2017, p.
及 楊軍昌, 保羅傑特與陳建立著作 《先秦金器》, 2017年, 118-123頁。
120, fg. 3-14, p. 121, fg. 3-15a;
4 兩者的圖示可參考Carol Michaelson著作《Gilded Dragons: Buried Treasures
3 For additional information on the fnds at Liangdaicun, see: Institute of Archaeology
from China’s Golden Ages》頁30-31編號9及圖9a (倫敦:大英博物館信託基
of Shaanxi Province and Shanghai Museum, eds., The International Symposium on Rui
State Treasures from Hancheng, Shanxi Province (Shanghai: Shanghai Guji Press), 1st 金,1999)。關於陝西寶雞益門村M2墓室的發掘資料,詳見《文物》1993年第10期頁
ed., 2014; also see: Yang, Jett, Chen, Gold in Ancient China, 2017, pp. 118-123 1-14。
5 其實早於公元前六世紀,華北已開始製作鏤雕精美蟠虺紋和嵌綠松石的青銅刀鞘,實例
4 For images of both pieces, see: Carol Michaelson, Gilded Dragons: Buried Treasures
可參考Emma C. Bunker、屈志仁及孫志新合著的《Eastern Eurasian Steppes: The
from China’s Golden Ages (London: Trustees of the British Museum), 1999, pp. 30-31,
no. 9 and fg. 9a. For information on the excavation of Tomb M2 at Yimen Village, Baoji, Eugene V. Thaw and Other New York Collections》頁89-90編號54 (紐約:大都會
Shaanxi province, see: Wenwu, 1993, vol. 10, pp. 1-14. 藝術博物館,2002。康涅狄格州紐黑文及倫敦:耶魯大學出版社發行)。
6 這類猛禽鳥首與西伯利亞南部塞西亞的作品遙相呼應,詳見Roman Kenk著作《Grab-
5 In fact, openwork bronze scabbards with intricate interlaces and turquoise inlays were
funde der Skythenzeit aus Tuva, Süd-Sibirien》[西北利亞南部圖瓦境內發現的塞西
produced in north China at least as early as the sixth century BC; see, for example,
亞時期墓葬文物] 頁126圖22:42, 45 (慕尼黑:Beck,1986)。
Emma C. Bunker, James C.Y. Watt, and Zhixin Sun, Eastern Eurasian Steppes: The
Eugene V. Thaw and Other New York Collections (New York: Metropolitan Museum of 7 詳見上述2002年出版的《Eastern Eurasian Steppes》頁90編號55。
Art; distributed by New Haven, CT, and London: Yale University Press), 2002, pp. 89-90,
no. 54. 8 詳見Jessica Rawson著作《Chinese Bronzes: Art and Ritual》編號34 (倫敦:大
6 Such raptor heads might show a distant relationship with Scythian items for southern
Siberia; see: Roman Kenk, Grabfunde der Skythenzeit aus Tuva, Süd-Sibirien [Tomb
Finds of the Scythian Period from Tuva, South Siberia] (Munich: Beck), 1986, p. 126, fg. 9 該壺可參見羅頓 (Thomas Lawton) 著作《Chinese Art of the Warring States
22:42, 45. Period: Change and Continuity, 480–222 BC》頁26-27編號1 (華盛頓特區:史密
7 Bunker, Watt, and Sun, Eastern Eurasian Steppes, 2002, p. 90, no. 55.
10 詳見羅頓前述著作《Chinese Art of the Warring States Period》頁30-31編號3。
8 Jessica Rawson, Chinese Bronzes: Art and Ritual (London: Published for the Trustees of
the British Museum in association with the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, University
of East Anglia, by British Museum Publications), 1987, no. 34.
9 Thomas Lawton, Chinese Art of the Warring States Period: Change and Continuity,
480–222 BC (Washington, DC: Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution), 1982, pp.
26-27, no. 1 (for the hu jar), and pp. 28-29, no. 2 (for the jian basin).
10 Lawton, Chinese Art of the Warring States Period, 1982, pp. 30-31, no. 3.