Page 13 - Bonhams Hong Kong The Skinner Moon Flasks
P. 13

The interest William and Sarah had in “the Orient” may have       “the Oriental Room” and said that, “… so much was said
inspired their children William C. and Belle, as Asian art        that I ran upstairs and produced the other Egyptian articles
became a major focus for the two unmarried siblings. They         I bought and they … were enthusiastic over them…” She
would inherited the house and spend the next three decades        also wrote about the windows for the room which were
remodeling it and the grounds, filling it with Asian art and an   Oriental in design with colored glass at the top.
extraordinarily important collection of musical instruments.
                                                                  William C.’s position in Holyoke can be summed up with
William C. and Belle traveled together to Japan and China,        President William McKinley’s visit to the city on June 17th,
twice… once in 1889 when they were 33 and 23; leaving             1898. William is shown in the carriage with McKinley, the
San Francisco on the City of Peking. Twenty years later, in       25th President of the United States, and William Whiting
1909, they traveled around the world again.                       who owned a paper mill in Holyoke and was Republican
                                                                  Senator from Massachusetts between 1883 and 1889.
On the first trip they arrived in Nagasaki on Nov 18th and
stayed for nearly a month. William C. would have met with         Sarah took particular pride in the gardens and grounds.
his suppliers. They were in Shanghai on Dec 17th, and the         She planted wistaria along the house during the 1880s,
following day William, “Called at the house of Russell &          which eventually had completely engulfed the house. By
Co.” the great American China Trade firm. The next night          1901 the name Wistariahurst appeared on Sarah’s private
they went to the theatre and a Chinese wedding. While in          stationary. Sarah wrote to Belle in May 1901: “Oh, you
China they were given an opium pipe and chopsticks as             should see my Wisteria – It is beautiful today and the place
souvenirs.                                                        is rightly named… Father has just come up from the mill
                                                                  and is sitting out on the piazza taking in the perfume of the
What William and Belle acquired on this and the subsequent        flowers which he seems to appreciate.”
trip is not clear. They were in China for fifteen days in 1889
so it’s possible they acquired the moonflasks then, but it is     William Skinner died the next year, in 1902. He was said to
not recorded.                                                     be worth $475million in today’s currency. An official of the
                                                                  Silk Association wrote about him then: “His career furnishes
The house in Holyoke was the center of family life for William,   another illustration of the decided tendency by the United
Sarah and their seven children. Sarah Skinner (1834-1908),        States in recent years of transplanting the art and skill of
William’s second wife, spent much effort on the grounds           the foreign born to this side of the Atlantic in the up-building
and the interior. In 1895 they traveled to Egypt and Rome         of our domestic industries.”
where Sarah purchased the two recumbent lions that now
flank a side entry way to the house. They are replicas of         William C. and Belle Skinner inherited the house, which
those by Antonio Canova, for the tomb of Clement XII in           they used as a weekend retreat and summer home.
St. Peter’s.                                                      For the most part they lived in New York City, obviously
                                                                  preferring the vibrancy of New York to Holyoke, particularly
Their daughter Ruth Isabel Skinner (1866-1928), known as          the theater, fine dining and socializing, having met the likes
Belle, wrote in her diary, May 10th, 1898 “… work is to           of Leo Tolstoy, the Russian author of “War and Peace” and
commence this week on the Oriental Room. Mother has               “Anna Karenina”; Diamond Jim Brady, the great American
planned to have it built into the little upstairs library.” In a  businessman and philanthropist; and Sir Ernest Shackleton,
letter dated August 3rd, 1898 Sarah Skinner, wrote about          the great Antarctic explorer.

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