Page 138 - Bonhams Hong Kong The Skinner Moon Flasks
P. 138
Yongzheng six-character mark and of the period
The compressed pear-shaped body elegantly rising from a slightly
spreading foot to a tall cylindrical neck beneath a slightly flared mouth,
richly applied to the exterior with an even copper-red glaze stopping
neatly at the rim and foot.
23.3cm (9 1/8in) high
HK$400,000 - 600,000
US$51,000 - 77,000
清雍正 霽紅釉長頸瓶 青花「大清雍正年製」楷書款
Almira Goodsell Rockefeller (1844-1920), wife of William A. Rockefeller
Jr. (1841-1922), and thence by descent, by repute
An American private collection
Almira Goodsell Rockefeller (1844-1920)
Almira Geraldine Rockefeller (1844-1920), born Almira G. Goodsell, 阿爾米拉·古德賽爾·洛克菲勒(1844-1920年)為威廉·埃弗里·
married in 1864 William Avery Rockefeller Jr. (1841-1922), a prominent 小洛克菲勒(1870-1922年)之妻,兩人於1864年結為夫婦。威廉
member of the Rockefeller family. The Rockefeller dynasty dominated 是聞名於世的洛克菲勒家族成員之一,其家族在美國的工業、政治和
the American industrial, political and financial businesses for over one 銀行業等領域佔有重要的一席之地。洛克菲勒家族在美國佔有舉足輕
hundred and forty years and is regarded as one of the most powerful 重的地位超過一百四十年,並在十九世紀末到二十世紀初之間控制着
families in US history, controlling one of the world’s largest fortunes in 全美國的石油資源,而且在文化、藝術、公共事業方面都做出巨大貢
the oil business during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Almira 獻。阿爾米拉對許多慈善和戰後救濟工作做出了積極的貢獻。
Rockefeller was very active with numerous philanthropic activities as
well as in war relief work.
Copper-red glazes, which had not been revisited since the Ming 銅紅釉燒造對技術要求極高,明代宣德以後因種種原因,燒造逐漸
dynasty, were not only successfully fired but technically improved 減少,至明晚期幾乎停燒,直到清代康熙晚期才再度興盛起來,當
during the Kangxi period renowned for its langyao and ‘peach bloom’ 時清朝廷派駐景德鎮的督陶官臧應選及郎廷極督理窯務時所燒製的
group. These may have been produced under the supervision of 御窯瓷釉色品種甚多,尤其是紅釉瓷,包括豇豆紅、郎窯紅和霽紅
Zang Yingxuan and Lang Tingji, who demonstrated a commitment to 釉等,反映出當時的燒造技術已十分成熟,更多論述可參閱J.Hay,
precision and technological innovation, which would determine the 《The Diachronics of Early Qing Visual and Material Culture》一文,刊
subsequent history of Qing Imperial porcelain production; see J.Hay, 於《The Qing Formation in World Historical Time》,劍橋,2004年,
‘The Diachronics of Early Qing Visual and Material Culture’, in The Qing 頁318。
Formation in World Historical Time, Cambridge, 2004, p.318.
The present vase, with its combination of the compressed globular 呈色才能控制自如,可見燒製難度極高。雍正一朝所製的單色釉可說
bottle vase form and use of the copper-red glaze, is a development of 是最為成功的,無論從其胎質、釉色、造型還是藝術風格等均無可挑
the Yongzheng reign, celebrated for its innovative forms and technical 剔,水平之高可說是達到了歷史的高峰。此瓶完全符合雍正皇帝講究
virtuosity demanded by the emperor, a highly discerning connoisseur 簡約而含蓄的審美眼光,或為雍正皇帝親自授意景德鎮御窯廠燒造。
of art.
The form is related to that of a bottle vase decorated in clair-de-lune 後又一佳作。雍正朝在瓷器造型方面進行了多方面的創新,像本拍品
glaze, Yongzheng mark and of the period, in the Fitzwilliam Museum, 的荸薺扁瓶除了見直口長頸者,亦有見頸肩部凸有弦紋的品種,本器
Cambridge (; as well as that shown in outline, 器型與耿寶昌先生書中的雍正器型示意圖的荸薺瓶相近,見《明清瓷
recorded by Geng Baochang in Ming Qing Ciqi Jianding, Hong 器鑒定》,香港,1993年,頁236,圖9;類似的造型也見劍橋菲茨
Kong, 1993, p.236, fig.9. The compressed globular bottle vase form 威廉博物館藏一清雍正帶款天藍釉荸薺瓶,博物館編號C.9-1948;雍
continued into subsequent reigns as exemplified in a copper-red- 正紅釉荸薺瓶的例子傳世品中似乎不為多見,因此更顯得本器彌足珍
glazed compressed bottle vase, Qianlong seal mark and of the period, 貴,唯香港佳士得曾售出一清乾隆紅釉荸薺瓶可資參考,2013年11月
which was sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 27 November 2013, lot 3506. 27日,拍品編號3506。