Page 152 - Bonhams Hong Kong The Skinner Moon Flasks
P. 152

The current composition of a lone scholar gazing into the distant           杯敞口,平底雕水流,杯身雕松柏山水,山崖突兀、怪石橫生、岩間
landscape embodies the ideals of scholarly reclusion, popular with          有流水潺潺,堤岸上雲霧繚繞,林木疏朗,一文士坐岸邊觀松,意態
the 17th century literati. The multi-layered carving beautifully displayed  閒適,意境幽深,頗具文人意趣。
from the swirling stream to the craggy outcrops exhibits masterful
craftsmanship, deserved by the noteworthy size and considerable             以山水人物為主題雕刻的犀角杯對工匠技藝要求極高,參看十七世紀
weight of this rhinoceros horn libation cup.                                同類犀角杯三例,見霍滿堂,《中國犀角雕刻珍賞》,香港,1999年,
For related examples of rhinoceros horn libation cups, carved with          《The Art of Rhinoceros Horn Carving in China》,倫敦,1999年,
mountainous landscape, 17th century, see T.Fok, Connoisseurship of          圖版289。
Rhinoceros Horn Carving in China, Hong Kong, 1999, pls.137, 143
and 167; and see another example, in the Metropolitan Museum of             見香港邦瀚斯曾售出一件明末清初犀角雕赤壁山水杯,2011年5月25
Art, New York, illustrated by J.Chapman, The Art of Rhinoceros Horn         日,拍品458;香港蘇富比曾售出十七/十八世紀山水杯一例,2014年
Carving in China, London, 1999, pl.289.                                     10月8日,拍品3783。

See a rhinoceros horn libation cup, late Ming/early Qing dynasty,
carved with the subject of ‘Ode to the Red Cliff’, sold in these rooms,
25 May 2011, lot 458; and compare another related cup, 17th/18th
century, carved with rocky outcrops, pine and river, which was sold at
Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 8 October 2014, lot 3783.

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