Page 176 - Bonhams Hong Kong The Skinner Moon Flasks
P. 176

139 Y
17th/18th century
The full-tipped horn intricately carved as a large magnolia blossom with
overlapping petals borne on flowering and budding apricot openwork
branches, with two long-tailed birds chasing each other in flight, the
horn of dark honey and amber-brown tone.
19cm (7 1/2in) long

HK$200,000 - 300,000
US$26,000 - 39,000

十七/十八世紀 犀角雕杏林春燕杯

An important European private collection


Apricot blossoms symbolise the Apricot Grove: the Tang dynasty            器身以整枚犀角雕成,杯口雕作花頭,螺旋式花瓣,杯底透雕杏花枝,
Imperial garden where the banquet for successful candidates of the        曲折通幽,杏花出橙,越上杯口,爭相開放,杯口下雕一隻小燕,寓意
Palace examinations was held. Swallows symbolise Spring when the          「杏林春宴」,一片春日美景。
banquet was held, and the character itself is also a pun for ‘banquet’
or yan (宴). Apricot blossoms or xinghua (杏花) and swallows or yan          明代以降,工匠開始以整枚犀角隨形透雕成杯,多見以蓮花、玉蘭、荷
(燕) form the saying ‘may you attend the spring banquet in the Apricot     葉等為主題製成各種文玩,大多風格古雅、工藝精湛。見北京故宮博物
Grove’ or xinglin chunyan (杏林春燕), which conveys the auspicious            院清宮舊藏一件明早期犀角雕折枝葵花形杯,《故宮博物院珍藏文物珍
meaning of ‘wishing a candidate success in the Imperial examination’.     品全集:竹木牙角雕刻》,香港,2002年,頁120,圖109;另見一犀
                                                                          角雕水仙花形杯,以及另一荷葉形杯,著錄於J.Chapman,《The Art
Related rhinoceros horn libation cups utilising the full horn, with a     of Rhinoceros Horn Carving in China》,倫敦,1999年,圖198及210
primary flower or leaf borne on gnarled flowering branches, can be        。與本品形制類似之犀角杯以及其他兩件荷葉杯,見塞克樂舊藏,著錄
seen in a number of variations: see a mallow-shaped libation cup,         於霍滿堂,《中國犀角雕刻珍賞》,香港,1999年,圖92,95及96。
early Ming dynasty, from the Qing Court collection, illustrated in The
Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum: Bamboo,            倫敦邦瀚斯曾售出一件十八世紀犀角雕仙鶴杯可資比較,2014年11月6
Wood, Ivory and Rhinoceros Horn Carvings, Hong Kong, 2002,                日,拍品416;另見巴黎佳士得售出一件十七世紀犀角雕荷葉杯,2011
pl.109; for a cup carved with nandina and narcissus, in the Chester       年12月14日,拍品206。
Beatty Library, and another carved with lotus leaf and water plants, in
Snowshill Manor, Worcester, see J.Chapman, The Art of Rhinoceros
Horn Carving in China, London, 1999, pls.198 and 210; and see a
cup with lotus and chi-dragon, in the Arthur M. Sackler collection,
and two others of lotus form, illustrated by T.Fok, Connoisseurship
of Rhinoceros Horn Carving in China, Hong Kong, 1999, pls.92, 95
and 96.

Compare a related larger rhinoceros horn ‘cranes’ libation cup, 18th
century, which was sold in our London rooms, 6 November 2014,
lot 416; and see also another related example of a rhinoceros horn
‘lotus’ libation cup, 17th century, which was sold at Christie’s Paris,
14 December 2011, lot 206.

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