Page 182 - Bonhams Hong Kong The Skinner Moon Flasks
P. 182
17th/18th century, signed Yu Wentao
The large cylindrical vessel deeply pierced and carved with a lush
garden scene of plantain, wutong and pine trees, featuring a seated
dignitary dining on a stone table whilst being entertained by three
female musicians and a dancer, the reverse with a lady accompanied
by her female attendant carrying her pipa, with two female servants
preparing food in the distance, all raised on three carved bracket feet,
carved with two zhuanshu square seal marks ‘Yu shi’ and ‘Wen tao’,
the bamboo of a dark reddish-brown tone, fitted box.
15.8cm (6 1/4in) diam. (2).
HK$400,000 - 600,000
US$51,000 - 77,000
十七/十八世紀 竹雕松蔭舞樂圖筆筒
An important Asian private collection
Bamboo carving for the scholar’s desk was firmly established during 筆筒呈筒式,下承三矮足。外壁刻松蔭舞樂圖,高士坐于庭苑石桌
the Ming dynasty and continued to flourish during the Qing dynasty. 前,桌後三仕女以不同樂器演奏,庭苑後站兩仕女,一女手持琵琶,
Inspiration was taken from woodblock prints, rendering the surface 松柏後兩小童正在烹茶,足顯文人隱士生活情趣。
of the bamboo into a continuous cylindrical canvas. The present lot
is remarkable for the large size of the bamboo, allowing the artist to 目前雖未見對竹雕人「于文濤」的相關著錄,但此筆筒採用的「深
skilfully bring the landscape and figural scene to life utilising the depth 刻」技藝以及層次豐富的刀工與清代早中期的嘉定派風格相近。明代
of the wood to create multi-layers building a three-dimensional effect, 晚期以後,嘉定竹刻的雕刻技藝已經趨於成熟,得到廣泛傳播。自康
depicting the pleasurable pursuit of music and wine in an idealised 熙中後期起,文人竹刻發展更加完善,門庭日漸蕪雜,為後來竹刻世
retreat. 俗化及商品化埋下伏筆。
The name of the artist, Yu Wentao, does not appear to be recorded; 參看上海博物館藏一件清代竹雕香山九老圖筆筒,其山石風格及人物
however, the deeply carved scene rendered with a depiction of the 刻畫與本筆筒類似,可資比較,見《竹鏤文心:竹刻珍品特集》,上
literati idealised lifestyle represents a mature style of the Jiading 海,2012年,頁98-99,圖版038。
School, which was developed during the Kangxi period.