Page 15 - Christie's, materpieces of Buddhist Art December 2, 2015 HK
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meaning “Sage of the Shakya Clan”. After attaining                  (Thailand, Myanmar/Burma, Cambodia, and Laos) and Sri
enlightenment, the Buddha preached his first sermon in              Lanka. Rather than representing the Buddha himself, early
the Deer Park in Sarnath, in present-day Uttar Pradesh, that        Theravadans indicated his presence through such aniconic
first sermon metaphorically termed “Setting in Motion the           symbols as a throne, a set of footprints, the Wheel of the
Wheel of the Law”, the term “Wheel of the Law” (Sanskrit,           Law, or a stupa, the hemispherical structure symbolizing the
dharmachakra) emblemizing Buddhist teachings. For the               aristocratic burial mound in which the Buddha’s ashes were
remainder of his 80 years, the Buddha preached his doctrine         said to have been buried after the cremation of his remains.
(Sanskrit, dharma) in an effort to help other sentient beings
reach enlightenment. Upon his death, he entered into nirvana.       Often called “the Greater Vehicle”, Mahayana Buddhism rose
                                                                    to prominence in India in the first century AD, splitting from
The goal of Buddhism, like that of all traditional Indian           the Theravada school. In contrast to Theravada Buddhism, with
religions, was not simply rebirth in a paradise but release from    its emphasis on monastic life, the Mahayana school promises
the samsara cycle of birth and rebirth. Known as nirvana, that      salvation to all who sincerely seek it, monk and laity alike.
release resulted in a cessation of existence and was achieved       Mahayana Buddhism sees the Buddha Shakyamuni not only
through the accumulation of large stores of meritorious karma       as a deity but as one of a host of Buddhas, all of whom are
amassed by doing good works, by observing the Buddha’s Four         considered deities. Mahayana Buddhism, which is practiced in
Noble Truths, and by following his Eight-Fold Path.                 a variety of forms in China, Tibet, Japan, and Korea, is typically
                                                                    concerned with altruistically oriented spiritual practice as
THE DEVELOPMENT OF BUDDHISM AND                                     embodied in the Bodhisattva Ideal, whereas the Theravada
MAJOR SCHOOLS                                                       tradition embodies the Arhat Ideal. Meaning “enlightened
Early Buddhism—often called Hinayana Buddhism, or                   being”, a bodhisattva (Chinese, pusa) is a benevolent, selfless
the “Lesser Vehicle”— considered the Buddha not a deity             being who has gained enlightenment but who has postponed
but an exemplary mortal whose way of life and path to               entry into nirvana in order to help other sentient beings
enlightenment could be taken as a model for working out             achieve enlightenment, thus embodying the Mahayana ideal
one’s own “salvation”. In that sense, all matters pertaining to an  of delivering all living creatures from suffering. Bodhisattvas
individual’s enlightenment were left to the individual himself      are able to assist others through the transfer of meritorious
with no assistance from or intervention of others. In Theravada     karma from their enormous stores to those who are in need.
Buddhism (“Doctrine of the Elders”), the more respectful name       By contrast, Buddhas are portrayed in Mahayana literature as
for the tradition, the ideal is the arhat, or “one who is worthy”   concerned only remotely with worldly affairs.
(Chinese, aluohan or luohan), a “perfected person” who has
attained nirvana. In other Buddhist traditions that term is often   Mahayana Buddhism is an umbrella concept for a great variety
used for individuals who have attained enlightenment, or are        of sects, from the Tantric Sects found in Tibet and Nepal,
far advanced along the path of enlightenment, but who have          which espouse secret yoga teachings, to the Pure Land Sects,
not yet entered nirvana and reached full Buddhahood. Since          which are found in China, Korea, and Japan and which rely on
earliest times down to the present, Theravada Buddhism has          simple faith in the Buddha Amitabha. The Mahayana school of
been the predominant religion of continental Southeast Asia         India also gave birth to inward-looking Chan Buddhism, which

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