Page 14 - Youngman jade Collection Hong Kong March 3 2019 Sotheby's
P. 14

           SHANG DYNASTY
           with bevelled edges tapering to an upward curving tip, centred with a raised ridge along the base of the offset tang to the sharp tip,
           pierced with an aperture, the stone of a mottled caramel-brown colour
           商   玉戈
           23 cm, 9 in.
           HK$ 200,000-300,000
           US$ 25,500-38,300

           PROVENANCE                                    來源
           Idemitsu Museum of Art, Tokyo.                出光美術館,東京
           Roger Keverne, London, 2004.                  Roger Keverne,倫敦,2004年
           LITERATURE                                    出版
           Robert P. Youngman, The Youngman Collection   羅伯特.楊門,《楊門藏玉:中國玉器.新石器時代至
           of Chinese Jades from Neolithic to Qing, Chicago,   清代》,芝加哥,2008年,圖版21
           2008, pl. 21.

           Following the invention of bronze, weapons such as blades and daggers were added to the repertoire of pieces made in more
           refined materials for ceremonial use such as jade. Jade ge such as the present piece were based on bronze prototypes, their
           general shape conforming to that of a simplified pointed tablet. Compare the large number of ceremonial jade ge excavated
           from the tomb of Fu Hao at Anyang, published in Yinxu Fu Hao mu, Beijing, 1980, col. pl. 17.1 and 17.2, and 18.1. Compare
           Jessica Rawson, Chinese Jade. From the Neolithic to the Qing, London, 1995, pp. 192-196. For several other good examples
           of ceremonial daggers of this period see Max Loehr, Ancient Chinese Jades from the G. L. Winthrop Collection, The Fogg Art
           Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1975, pp. 53-74, figs 36-68,
           For an example sold at auction, see the Shang jade blade from the J.T. Tai collection, sold in our New York rooms, 22nd March
           2011, lot 61.

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