Page 24 - Youngman jade Collection Hong Kong March 3 2019 Sotheby's
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           the thin arc-shaped pendant superbly worked with flaring ends, each side depicted in low relief with intertwining dragons and
           outlined with double-line incisions, each horned mythical beast portrayed with slanting eyes and an open mouth baring its fangs,
           the sinuous bodies rendered in undulating angular scrollwork and incised with echoing scrolls and hooks, the stone of a yellowish-
           green colour mottled with light brown inclusions
           西周   黃玉交龍紋璜
           10.9 cm, 4¼ in.
           HK$ 300,000-500,000
           US$ 38,300-64,000

           PROVENANCE                           來源
           J. J. Lally & Co., New York.         藍理捷,紐約
           EXHIBITED                            展覽
           J. J. Lally & Co., Ancient China, Jades, Bronzes &   《Ancient China, Jades, Bronzes & Ceramics》
           Ceramics, New York, 1999, no. 12.    ,藍理捷中國文物公司,紐約,1999年,編號12
           LITERATURE                           羅伯特.楊門,《楊門藏玉:中國玉器.新石器時代至
           Robert P. Youngman, The Youngman Collection   清代》,芝加哥,2008年,圖版53
           of Chinese Jades from Neolithic to Qing, Chicago,
           2008, pl. 53.

           A closely related jade huang, decorated with similarly carved twin beasts with entwined tails, excavated in 1982 from a
           Western Zhou site at Tengxian, Shandong, is illustrated in Zhongguo Yuqi Quanji [Complete collection of chinese jades], vol.
           2: Shang/Western Zhou, Shijiazhuang, 2005, p. 205, no. 287, together with another example in the collection of the Palace
           Museum, Beijing, illustrated op. cit., p. 209, no. 292. See also another example in the Joseph Hotung Collection, illustrated in
           Jessica Rawson, Chinese Jade from the Neolithic to the Qing, London, 1995, p. 241, no. 14:4.

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