Page 53 - 2019 September 12th Sotheby's Important Chinese Paintings New York
P. 53
GU LUO (1763-CIRCA 1837), DAI (4) signed Husou Duan, dated wuchen, the ninth (戴彝)款識:維仲二兄大人雅鑒,丁亥
YI (QING DYNASTY), JIANG day of the ninth lunar month, inscribed with a 首夏,庾嶺戴一鳴,作於二十四研齋。鈐
ZHOU (QING DYNASTY), poem, with a dedication, and one seal of the 印:弌鳴、戴彝
HUSOU DUAN (QING DYNASTY) aritst, zi fang (蔣洲)款識:帶雨胭脂一樹花,白頭啼
Various sizes. 到野人家。早知香色難留住,餐䙷紅桃勝
FLOWERS AND BIRDS 碧霞。戊申夏為燦林親台大人誨政,蔣
$ 12,000-18,000
ink and color on paper, a set of four framed fan 洲。鈐印:蔣洲
leaves (湖叟端)款識:秋曉立庭陰,秋露凝紅
顧洛、戴彝、蔣洲、湖叟端 花鳥
(1) signed Gu Luo, inscribed with a poem, with 裏。遙看群玉峯,秋菊殊堪候。南田翁
a dedication and one seal of the artsit, xi mei 設色紙本 扇框四件 作便面《錦石秋容圖》得趙承旨風韻,
hua yin 天趣冷然,藝林妙品也。丙辰重九為重華
(2) singed Yuling Dai Yiming, dated dinghai, the (顧洛)款識:玲瓏瓣疊展紅稠,自足娛 三兄屬,即倣此以應并題,湖叟端。鈐
fourth lunar month, with a dedication, and two 人玩賞㽞。壁色須知原不一,半空霞錦護 印:子方
seals of the aritst, yi ming, dai yi 瓊樓。録《百花詠》句,為壽芝老人寫
(3) signed Jiang Zhou, dated wushen, summer, 此,顧洛。 鈐印:西楳畫印
inscribed with a poem, with a dedication, and
one seal of the artist, jiang zhou