Page 248 - Bonhams May 2017 London Fine Japanese Art
P. 248
402* Ninth head of a lineage of Kyoto artists who had specialized mainly
A MIXED-METAL MODEL OF AN OX-CART, in making utensils for the tea ceremony, Nakagawa Joeki received
CONTAINING A KORO (INCENSE-BURNER) the support of the Mitsui family to compensate for the loss of
By Nakagawa Joeki IX (1849-1911), Meiji era (1868-1912), traditional patronage during the Meiji era and turned to creating highly
late 19th/early 20th century accomplished ornaments such as this lot.
Modelled as a gissha (courtly ox-cart) with large wheels, long poles,
curtains, detachable hipped roof, and detachable steps, mostly made SILVER AND INLAID SILVER WORKS OF ART
from shakudo alloy decorated in gold and silver, the roof with chiselled Various Properties
decoration in silver representing two ho-o birds among paulownia
leaves and blossoms, the shakudo components imitating black 403*
lacquer and with flowers and tendrils in gilding imitating gold lacquer, A LARGE SILVER TRAY IN THE FORM OF A HOTATE (SCALLOP)
the interior of both carriage and lid gilded; containing a gilt-metal By Hata Zoroku IV (1898-1984) of Kyoto, Showa era (1926-1989),
koro (incense burner) and silver hoya (pierced lid) of lobed rectangular mid-20th century
form, each side of the gilded koro engraved with chrysanthemum and Naturalistically cast with bold radiating ridges and a furled edge,
paulownia crests, the hoya pierced with ho-o birds and paulownia; signed on the underside with chiselled characters Zoroku tsukuru; with
the lid signed inside Kyusei Joeki tsukuru (made by Joeki IX); with a wood tomobako titled Jungin obon (Pure silver large dish) with seal,
wood tomobako storage box inscribed by Joeki X (Shoshin, 1880- the inside of the lid inscribed Taihei gai (a shell of peace) and signed
1940) Udo goshoguruma koro migi Kyusei Joeki saku utagai naki no Heian Zoroku tsukuru with three seals, one reading Yonsei Zoroku
mono nari Showa tsuchinoe-tatsu santo Nakagawa Joeki shiki (This (Zoroku IV). 7cm x 42cm (2½in x 16½in). (2).
shakudo incense-burner in the shape of a court carriage is without
doubt a work by Nakagawa Joeki IX, recorded by Nakagawa Joeki [X], £3,000 - 4,000
winter 1928) and sealed Jusei Shoshin (Shoshin, X); and with a further JPY410,000 - 550,000
inscribed wooden storage box. 23.5cm x 16.6cm x 38.6cm (9¼in x US$3,700 - 5,000
6½in x 15¼in). (7).
The fourth Hata Zoroku is known for a wide range of high-quality works
£15,000 - 18,000 in metal, including a bronze suiban (flower-arrangement tray), sold in our
JPY2,100,000 - 2,500,000 New York rooms, The Zuiun Collection, 15 March 2017, lot 5044.
US$19,000 - 22,000
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please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.