Page 60 - Christies March 14 2017 Tibetan Bronzes NYC
P. 60

IndIan Sculpture                                                234
                                                                      A BLACK STONE STELE OF DURGA MAHISHASURAMARDINI

                                                                          NORTHEASTERN INDIA, PALA PERIOD, 11TH CENTURY
                                                                            19Ω in. (49.5 cm.) high


                                                                            Christie’s New York, Towards Enlightenment: Indian and Southeast Asian Art,
                                                                            17 September 1998, lot 34.
                                                                            Acquired by the current owner from the New York Art Market in 2000.
                                                                      印度東北部 帕拉時期 十一世紀 黑石屠牛魔形難近母石碑

                                                                            Mahishasura was a pious devotee of Brahma and was rewarded with a boon
                                                                            that no man or god would be able to conquer him. Thus invincible, he battled
                                                                            the gods and took over the heavens. Helpless against Brahma’s boon, the
                                                                            gods appealed to the goddess Parvati, who agreed to harness the shakti of
                                                                            all female celestial beings to fght Mahishasura. She assumed the form of
                                                                            Durga and borrowed weapons from each god. After nine days of fghting, she
                                                                            vanquished Mahishasura and his army and restored the heavens to the gods.

                                                                            This sculpture depicts the fnal moments of the duel between Durga and
                                                                            Mahishasura, the bull demon. Mahishasura’s animal incarnation shows his
                                                                            war wounds – an arrow is imbedded in his side and his severed head lies next
                                                                            to his lifeless body. Durga braces her foot against the back of the bull as she
                                                                            grasps Mahishasura by his hair and drags him from the neck of the animal, her
                                                                            sword raised to dispatch him to the netherworlds - thus earning her moniker,
                                                                            Mahishasuramardini, “the slayer of Mahishasura.” Her lion bites the demon’s
                                                                            foot for a tasty morsel.

                                                                            The worship of a mother goddess as the source of life and fertility has
                                                                            ancient roots, but the composition of the text Devi Mahatmya (Glory of the
                                                                            Goddess) during the ffth to sixth century led to the dramatic transformation
                                                                            of the female principle into a Great goddess of cosmic powers. Durga is
                                                                            the cosmic Magna Mater, and this popular iconic type encapsulates the
                                                                            struggle between the goddess and the demon Mahishasura, who symbolizes
                                                                            ignorance, disorder, chaos, and evil. Later textual sources generally refer to the
                                                                            subject as Mahishasuramardini. She remains the most important and popular
                                                                            form of the great goddess known generically as Devi or Shakti.

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