Page 22 - Fine Chiense Paintings Mar. 20, 2018
P. 22

Cao Zhibai, which can also be pronounced Cao Zhibo, was born   曹知白於宋朝末年出生在松江的一個顯赫世家。他年輕時因為成
          into a distinguished Songjiang family in the fnal years of the Song
          dynasty and gained fame and wealth in his early years as a successful   決定退休歸隱,過起了隱居的文人生活。他時常宴請志同道合的
          engineer of water-control projects. After a brief visit to the Yuan   盛譽,許多現存畫作都是為貴族所作。
          capital, Cao retired to his extensive estate and led the life of a retired
          literati. He frequently and generously entertained many like-minded   曹知白承襲郭熙李成的作畫風格,畫技傑出精妙。在他的畫中,
          friends, including Huang Gongwang and Ni Zan. In his day, he was   草木山石皆有遠近大小之不同,風格自然卻又不失對微小細節
          very highly regarded and many of his extant paintings are dedicated to
          aristocrats.                                        在畫作的中心,而蜿蜒迴轉的通幽曲徑更是讓平面的畫紙變得
                                                              立體生動起來(李鑄晉 《山石,樹木,曹知白的藝術》Artibus
                                                              Asiae, vol. XXII¾, 1960, 第153-208頁)。
          Described as an heir of the Guo Xi-Li Cheng tradition, Cao Zhibai’s
          paintings are characterized by a number of distinguishing features:
          groups of natural elements, such as trees and rocks, with large
          dominant ones amidst smaller, encircling subordinates; a variety of
          types of brushwork, ink tones and thickness of contour lines: a strong
          sense of naturalism and detail; the absence of human fgures; a cluster
          of trees in the central position; and a well defned spatial relationship
          with a zigzagging recession into space (Chu-tsing Li, “Rocks and
          Trees and the Art of Ts’ao Chih-po,” Artibus Asiae, vol. XXIII Æ,
          1960, pp. 153-208.

          19                                                  元 曹知白 江岸望山圖 水墨紙本 立軸 
          CAO ZHIBAI (1271-1355)                              題識:
          Hill Along the Riverbank                            日弄霜毫遠是非,荆関咫尺世情違。
          Hanging scroll, ink on paper                        寒雲時向青山抹,野老遙從白社歸。
          18 æ x 13 √ in (47.6 x 35.1 cm.)                    幾處夕陽峰背紫,一邨流水石邊飛。
          Inscribed with a poem and signed, with one seal of the artist  知君天府歸來後,閒把丹青玩翠微。
          Six collectors’ seals                               貞素寫賜,六良賢侯。
          Titleslip inscribed, with one seal                  鈐印:雲西老人

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