Page 29 - Fine Chiense Paintings Mar. 20, 2018
P. 29


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          WITH SIGNATURE OF LI ZHAODAO                        QIU YING (ATTRIBUTED TO, 1494-1552)
          Blue and Green Landscape                            Red Clifs
          Hanging scroll, ink and color on silk               Handscroll, ink and color on silk
          25 º x 16 ¡ in. (64 x 41.5 cm.)                     11 ¡ x 205 ¬ in. (29 x 522.4 cm.)
          With spurious signature of Li Zhaodao (active early 8th century)  Signed, with two seals of the artist
          Seven collectors’ seals                             $4,000-8,000
          Titleslip inscribed, with two seals
          $4,000-8,000                                        Purchased from an auction in Boston in the 1980s.
          李昭道(款) 山水 設色絹本 立軸                                   仇英(傳) 青綠山水 設色絹本 手卷
          題識:唐小李將軍如筆。                                         款識:十洲仇英摹。
          藏印七方                                                鈐印:十洲、仇英
          簽條題識:唐小李將軍九成宮圖。                                     註:八十年代購於波士頓拍賣行 。

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