Page 39 - Fine Chiense Paintings Mar. 20, 2018
P. 39


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          ZHANG SHEN (1781-1846)             GAO JIAN (1634-1708)              QIAN HUI’AN (1833-1911)
          Flute Player on Boat               Landscape in the Style of Shen Zhou  Two Ladies
          Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper  Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper   Hanging scroll. ink and color on paper
          46 º x 19 æ in.  (117.5 x 50.2 cm.)  33 º x 17 Ω in. (84.5 x  44.5 cm.)  8 √ x 10 Ω in. (22.5 x 26.8 cm.)
          Inscribed with a poem and signed, with two   Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the   Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the
          seals of the artist                artist                            artist
          Dated winter, guimao year (1843)   Dated summer, bingxu year (1706)  $2,000-5,000
          $7,000-14,000                      $3,000-6,000                      清 錢慧安 雙女 設色紙本 立軸
                                             明 高簡 仿沈周山水 設色紙本                   題識:淡掃蛾眉朝至尊。仿仇十洲筆清溪
          清 張深 山水 設色紙本 立軸                    立軸 一七〇六年作                         樵子錢慧安揮汗之作。
          一八四三年作                             題識:丙戌(1706年)夏仿石田翁筆                鈐印:古生
          題識: 坐起宛然成獨笑,數聲漁笛在                  意,一雲山人高簡。
          滄浪。蒲室子睿。擬沈唘南筆意,癸卯                  鈐印:高簡□□印、澹遊

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