Page 171 - Christies March 16, 2017 The Varata Collection NYC
P. 171

~646                                                                          (2)       明末/清十八世紀 紫檀無束腰馬蹄足長方櫈成對

A PAIR OF VERY RARE RECTANGULAR                                                         來源
WAISTLESS ZITAN STOOLS                                                                  恆藝館,香港
                                                                                        瑪麗·泰瑞莎·L·維勒泰 (1923-2015) 珍藏
Each mat seat is set in a rectangular frame above plain aprons and raised on            此類方櫈有帶霸王棖與否之二例。如此形制之方櫈極其罕見,造型典雅,簡約
tapering legs of square section that terminate in hoof feet.                            清新。

19º in. (48.9 cm.) high, 19¬ in. (49.8 cm.) wide, 14æ in. (37.3 cm.) deep               黎氏家族珍藏之十七世紀黃花梨方櫈,椅框上下以抱肩榫連接,於紐約佳士得
                                                                                        拍出,2015年9月17日,拍品915號。皮博迪埃塞克斯(Peabody Essex)珍藏
$100,000-150,000                                                                        另一例櫸木櫈,載於楠希·白靈安(N. Berliner)及莎拉·韓蕙(S. Handler)《中
                                                                                        國村鎮家具》(Friends of the House: Furniture from China’s Towns and
PROVENANCE                                                                              Villages),塞勒姆,1995年,44―5頁,圖版編號4;攻玉山房藏一黃花梨霸王
Ever Arts Gallery, Hong Kong.                                                           頁,圖版編號6。
The Marie Theresa L. Virata (1923-2015) Collection.

The present pair of stools is related to box-form stools, which can be constructed
both with and without ‘giant arm’s’ braces. Stools of this type are extremely rare and
are distinguished by the simple elegance and refned geometry of the design.

A related box-form stool, also dated 17th century, and constructed with pyramidal
joints connecting the top and base frames, formerly in the Lai Family Collection,
was sold at Christie’s New York, 17 September 2015, lot 915. Compare a cube-form
jumu stool, currently in the Peabody Essex Collection, illustrated by N. Berliner and
S. Handler, Friends of the House: Furniture from China’s Towns and Villages, Salem,
1995, pp. 44-45, pl. 4. An example in huanghuali with curved ‘giant arm’s’ braces
is illustrated in Chan Chair and Qin Bench: The Dr. S.Y. Yip Collection of Classic
Chinese Furniture II, Hong Kong, 1998, pp. 70-71, pl. 6.
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