Page 122 - Chiense works of art sothebys march 14 2017 nyc
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EDUCATIONAL TRUST, SOLD TO BENEFIT                                                                        EDUCATIONAL TRUST, SOLD TO BENEFIT
FUTURE PHILANTHROPY                                 Otto Kümmel, Jörg Trübner zum Gedächtnis:             FUTURE PHILANTHROPY
                                                    Ergebnisse seiner letzten chinesischen Reisen,
AN OPENWORK ARCHAIC BRONZE                          Berlin, 1930, pl. 23.                                 AN ARCHAIC BRONZE RITUAL
AXE BLADE                                           Sueji Umehara, ‘Shina Kodai no Doriki ni tsuite       BLADE (KUI)
EASTERN ZHOU DYNASTY, LATE                          [On Ancient Chinese Bronze Swords],’ Tōhō             LATE SHANG - EARLY WESTERN
6TH - 5TH CENTURY BC                                Gakuhō (Kyōto), 1932, vol. II, pl. 6, g. 1.           ZHOU DYNASTY, 12TH - 11TH
                                                    Sueji Umehara, Shina-Kodo Seikwa, part III, vol. II,  CENTURY BC
the bell-pro le blade issuing from the rectangular  1933, pl. 99, g. 2.
tang, cast on both sides with a zigzag band at the                                                         nely cast of triangular shape with matching relief
base and a raised V-shape extending to the plain    See catalogue note at        .                        on both sides and an upturned curly-bracket-form
band at the blade’s edge, the sides anked by                                                              shield rising from the base, spreading across the
sinewy reticulated dragons, pierced in the tang     $ 3,000-5,000                                         base of each side a wide taotie mask in high relief
and in the shaft, the patina of mottled russet and                                                        over a leiwen ground, ve smaller low-relief taotie
pale and olive greens                                           65                                        masks descending along the central axis, with
Length 5⅛ in., 13 cm                                                                                      mask-like imagery incised in the adjacent space,
                                                    Jörg Trübner 1930                                     pierced in three places, the tortoise shell-colored
PROVENANCE                                                                                                patina under malachite encrustations
                                                    Edgar Worch 1880 1972                                 Length 10½ in., 26.5 cm
Collection of Dr. Jörg Trübner, Berlin (d. 1930).
Collection of Edgar Worch, Berlin (1880-1972).      Adolphe Stoclet 1871 1949                             PROVENANCE
Collection of Adolphe Stoclet, Brussels (1871-
1949).                                              1997 6 10                       109                   European Private Collection.
Sotheby’s London, 10th June, 1997, lot 109.                                                               Sotheby’s London, 10th June 1997, lot 108.
Collection of Bernadette and William M. B.          Bernadette William M B Berger                         Collection of Bernadette and William M. B.
Berger, Denver, Colorado, acquired in 1997.                                                               Berger, Denver, Colorado, acquired in 1997.
                                                                                                          $ 5,000-7,000
                                                    Otto Kümmel Jörg Trübner zum Gedächtnis

                                                    Ergebnisse seiner letzten chinesischen Reisen

                                                    1930           23

                                                    1932           II          61
                                                                                          II 1933

                                                    99 2

                                                                                                          1997 6 10        108

                                                                                                          Bernadette William M B Berger

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