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A PAINTED POTTERY FIGURE OF A                        LITERATURE                                         Arthur B Michael 1853 1942       Newton
PRANCING HORSE                                                                                                                      509
TANG DYNASTY, 7TH / 8TH                              Andrew C. Ritchie, Catalogue of the Paintings and  Center        1942
CENTURY                                              Sculpture in the Permanent Collection, Albright-
                                                     Knox Gallery, Bu alo, 1949, cat. no. 214.          Albright Knox Art Gallery
well-modeled in spirited pose with a briskly raised  Steven A. Nash, with Katy Kline, Charlotta Kotik
right foreleg and head uplifted, mouth agape,        and Emese Wood, Albright-Knox Art Gallery:         1942 16 19
                                                     Painting and Sculpture from Antiquity to 1942,
 aring nostrils and bulging eyes, the animal’s       New York, 1979, p. 106.                                    2007 3 20
features nely detailed with forelock swept back
towards the full, owing mane falling just short      With its dynamic pose and well-de ned              Andrew C Ritchie Catalogue of the Paintings
of the well-articulated saddle with stirrups, the    musculature, the horse conveys a lively sense
ornamented bridle and harness suspending             of energy which is heightened by the whinnying     and Sculpture in the Permanent Collection
embossed bells, traces of red and black pigments     implied by its open mouth and pleasant jingling
over white slip                                      of moving bells. The long elegant mane and         Albright Knox Gallery       1949
Height 25¼ in., 64. 1 cm                             prancing position represent one of a highly
                                                     desirable and rare group of trained dancing        214
PROVENANCE                                           horses that were much in demand by the imperial
                                                     household and its guests.                          Steven A Nash Katy Kline Charlotta Kotik
Collection of Arthur B. Michael (1853-1942),
Newton Center, Massachusetts (bequest of             $ 50,000-70,000                                    Emese Wood Albright Knox Art Gallery
Collection of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery,                                                            Painting and Sculpture from Antiquity to 1942
Bu alo, New York, no. 1942:16.19.
Sotheby’s New York, 20th March 2007, lot 509.                                                                   1979  106

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