Page 34 - Christie's Mineo Hata Collection Sept. 21, 2023
P. 34

ⱷ858                                                                                                                 ⱷ859

              A RARE WHITE STONEWARE BOWL                                      ̩代 遼ǎ白釉盌                                            A VERY RARE SMALL GILT-DECORATED WHITE                      This bowl may have been produced in the
              FIVE DYNASTIES PERIOD-LIAO DYNASTY (AD 907-1125)                                                                     STONEWARE HEXALOBED BOWL                                    Dangyangyu kilns, which were located in Xiuwu
                                                                                                                                   NORTHERN SONG DYNASTY (AD 960-1127)                         county, northern Henan province, and flourished in
              The bowl is potted with deep, rounded sides and the creamy body is covered overall        年已Ն日本境Շ                                                                                the Song dynasty. The Dangyangyu kilns produced
              with a clear glaze. The base is incised with a character, guan.  秦峰⁸珍藏
 日本                                       The bowl has gently rounded sides rising to a notched rim and is decorated on the   wares that most commonly had incised or painted
              6 in. (15.2 cm.) diam., Japanese wood box                        ֨ḛ                                                  interior with two gilt floral sprays. It is covered overall with a clear glaze of faint   decoration on a white-glazed ground, or with
                         ivory tone.                                                 carved or incised decoration on an ochre ground,
              $25,000-35,000                                                                                                                                                                   although examples of marbled wares, green-glazed
 圖ḛ編號                                         4º in. (11 cm.) diam., Japanese wood box
     年                                                                                         wares, and figural wares have all been excavated.
              PROVENANCE:                                                      小山富ૈ夫
 圖                        $12,000-18,000                                              The white-glazed wares from this kiln were refined
              In Japan by 1958.                                                                                                                                                                and had a lustrous glaze, similar to Ding wares, and
              Mineo Hata Collection, Kobe, Japan.                                                                                  PROVENANCE:                                                 the painterly decoration compare to Cizhou wares.
                                                                                                                                                                                               A shallow white-glazed Dangyangyu bowl which
                                                                                                                                   Mineo Hata Collection, Kobe, Japan.
              LITERATURE:                                                                                                                                                                      appears to have faint gilt decoration of a floral
              Kuroda Genji and Sugimura Yuzo, Toki zenshu (Complete Works of Pottery), vol. 14, Tokyo,                                                                                         spray, is in the collection of the Jiaozuo Museum,
              1958, pls. 48-49.                                                                                                    ٫宋ǎ白釉貼金花卉紋葵۴盌                                               and was excavated in Jiazuo city. See Dangyangyu
              Sugimura Yuzo, Ryo no toji (Liao Ceramics), Tokyo, 1974.                                                                                                                         Kiln of China, Beijing, 2011, p. 379, no. 38.
              Koyama Fujio, Sekai toji zenshu (The Complete Works of World Ceramics), vol. 10, p. 252,                             Ϝ源

              fig. 186.                                                                                                             秦峰⁸珍藏
              In Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection, vol. 1, London, 1994, p. 196,
              no. 341, Regina Krahl illustrates a white stoneware water pot incised on the base with
              the character guan (official), and states that guan characters appear on both white
              stonewares as well as on celadon wares. While the guan inscription suggests that the
              pieces in this group were made for court use, it is unclear for which courts these pieces
              were made.

              The inscription on the interior of the cover of the wood box was written in December of
              the 29th year of Showa (1954) by an individual with the sobriquet Kajin and states that
              the bowl was purchased in the 27th year of Showa (1952).

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