Page 52 - Christie's Mineo Hata Collection Sept. 21, 2023
P. 52

              A SUPERB LONGQUAN CELADON 'TWIN FISH'                      南宋晚期 元ǎ十˕ 十ोˠ紀ǎ
              DISH                                                       龍泉⒋青釉雙魚紋盤
              The shallow, rounded sides that rise from the tapering foot to the everted rim are   重要私́珍藏
 於    年代Ն藏
              carved on the exterior with a band of upright petals, and the center of the interior is   秦峰⁸珍藏
              relief-decorated with two small fish, all under a glaze of sea-green color that also
              covers the interior of the foot.
              8æ in. (22.2 cm.) diam., Japanese wood box

              Important private collection, Kobe, acquired in the 1950s.
              Mineo Hata Collection, Kobe, Japan.

              This dish is exceptional for its glaze of even, sea-green color. Examples of
              Longquan 'twin fish' dishes have been found in Southern Song kilns in the
              Longquan region, such as the dish unearthed at Jincun, illustrated in Longquan
              Qingci Yanjiu, Beijing, 1989, pl. 36:3. Other examples of Longquan molded 'twin
              fish' dishes were recovered from the cargo of a trading vessel that sank off the
              coast of Sinan, South Korea, in the 1320s, and were included in the Special
              Exhibition of Cultural Relics Found off the Sinan Coast, National Museum of
              Korea, Seoul, 1977, pl. 28. Other examples are in the National Palace Museum,
              Taipei, included in Illustrated Catalogue of Sung Dynasty Porcelain in the National
              Palace Museum, Lung-chu'än Ware, Ko Ware and other Wares, Taipei, 1974,
              pl. 26, and in the Percival David Foundation, included in the Illustrated Catalogue
              of Celadon Wares, rev. ed., London, 1997, p. 27, no. 265.

                                       (with box)

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