Page 65 - Christie's Mineo Hata Collection Sept. 21, 2023
P. 65
The lotus scroll decoration and combination of green and red colors found on
this vase are reminiscent of the design and color palette found on Chenghua-
period ceramics. See a green-decorated red-ground tripod censer excavated
from the late Chenghua stratum at Jingdezhen, illustrated in A Legacy of
Chenghua: Imperial Porcelain of the Chenghua Reign Excavated from Zhushan,
Jingdezhen, Tsui Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1993, p. 188-89.
Other Jiajing double-gourd vases of this design include an example from the
Grandidier Collection, illustrated by Daisy Lion-Goldschmidt, Ming Porcelain,
pl. 12; one formerly from the Bloxam Collection, illustrated by J. Harrison-Hall,
Ming Ceramics in the British Museum, London, 2001, pl. 9:94, one from the
Ataka Collection in the Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka, illustrated in
the Catalogue, Osaka, 1998, no. 31; one in the Sumitomo collection, illustrated
in Masterpieces of Oriental Ceramics, Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka,
1999, p. 78, no. 54; one in the Museum of Decorative Art, Copenhagen,
illustrated by A. Leth, Catalogue of Selected Objects of Chinese Art in the
Museum of Decorative Art, Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 1959, no. 114; one from
the Eumorfopoulos Collection, illustrated by J. Ayers, Far Eastern Ceramics at
the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, no. 164; and another illustrated by R.
Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection, vol. 2, London, 1994,
no. 707.
(with boxes)
62 M I N E O H A T A A N I N S T I N C T I V E E Y E