Page 86 - 2020 Nov 30 Christie's Hong Kong Scholars Art Of China
P. 86

(another view 另一面)

         A WHITE JADE ‘DOUBLE-DRAGON’                      西周   玉璜
         PENDANT, HUANG                                    來源
         WESTERN ZHOU DYNASTY, C.1100-771 BC               養德堂舊藏,1989年購於台北
         The arc-shaped huang is carved on both sides with a stylised motif
         that represents the dragon’s body and legs, terminating at each end   本件玉璜上的龍紋為西周昭穆時期風格。可比較一件具有同時期裝飾風
         with an abstract dragon head. A small hole is drilled for suspension   格例,著於《芮國金玉選粹-陝西韓城春秋寶藏》,西安,2007年,圖
         at each end.                                      版15號,頁66-67。
         5 ¿ in. (13.2 cm.) long, box

         HK$280,000-400,000           US$37,000-52,000

         Yangdetang Collection, acquired in Taipei in 1989
         The dragon design on the current huang was a common design for
         the early-Western Zhou Dynasty. Compare a similarly decorated jade
         huang, excavate from the Rui State tomb, illustrated in Selected Bronze,
         Jade and Gold Treasures from the Rui State of Early Spring and Autumn
         Period, Xian, 207, no. 15, pp.66-67.


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