Page 144 - Fine Japanese Netsuke, Sagemono, Oikimono April 29, 2019 Galerie Zacke
P. 144

                                                          A STAG ANTLER AND COPPER-BRONZE
                                                          NETSUKE OF THREE MONKEYS BY
                                                          "Y 4OMOHIDE  STAG ANTLER NETSUKE WITH COPPER
                                                          bronze inlay
                                                          Japan, 19  CENTURY  %DO PERIOD

                                                          A grown monkey and two young, the group
                                                          entirely made from copper bronze set in a lobed
                                                          stag antler base. The fur is finely incised, the                                                                        180
                                                          mother is holding a peach in one hand, while                                                                           AN UNUSUAL AND LARGE STAG ANTLER AND WOOD HAKO NETSUKE
                                                          the two young monkeys are struggling to reach                                                                          WITH LOTUS AND CRAB PEONY
                                                          it. The irregularly contoured base shows in part                                                                       Unsigned, stag antler hako netsuke with wood lid and metal hinge
                                                          bold structures, with large himotoshi on the                                      179                                  Japan, 19  CENTURY  %DO PERIOD
                                                          underside, one mounted in silver with floral                                       A STAG ANTLER OBI HASAMI NETSUKE
                                                          DECORATION  3IGNED 4/-/()$% ON A SMALL  SILVER                                    Unsigned, stag antler obi hasami netsuke  A rare and functional hako netsuke. The bowl in the form of a lotus leaf, the
                                                          inlaid plate.                                                                     Japan, 19  CENTURY  %DO PERIOD              veiny structure visible on the underside, and the top section decorated with many
                                                                                                                                                                                 clouds. The inside is hollowed out, with the natural bony structure of the inside
                                                          LENGTH 5.3 CM                                                                     Obi is a belt and hasami means ‘to insert’, which   of the material visible, and was used to store something, most likely medicine or
                                                                                                                                            explains the form of the netsuke, as the top end,   herbs. The lid is carved from kokutan  EBONY  AND INCISED WITH A CRAB PEONY ON
                                                          Condition: Very good condition                                                    which has the himotoshi and a carving of a veiny   the top. The lid is hinged with metal fittings and screws and opens and closes
                                                          Provenance: The 40-Year Collection of a London                                    lotus leaf in relief, was meant to be inserted into the   perfectly. A very unusual rustic and functional netsuke and could very well have
                                                          Gentleman                                                                         belt. The natural porous material of the antler is very   been carved by a professional carver, for personal use. The himotoshi through a
                                                                                                                                            appealing.                           carved looped handle on the underside.
                                                          Estimate EUR 1.200,-
                                                          Starting price EUR 600,-                                                          HEIGHT 10.5 CM                       $)!-%4%2   #-

                                                                                                                                            Condition: Excellent condition       Condition: Excellent condition
                                                                                                                                            0ROVENANCE  "RITISH PRIVATE COLLECTION  Provenance: The 40-Year Collection of a London Gentleman
                                                                                                                                            Estimate EUR 600,-                   Estimate EUR 600,-
                                                                                                                                            Starting price EUR 300,-             Starting price EUR 300,-

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