Page 164 - Fine Japanese Netsuke, Sagemono, Oikimono April 29, 2019 Galerie Zacke
P. 164

            "Y 3OSHIN  WOOD NETSUKE
            Japan, 19  CENTURY  %DO PERIOD
            A wood netsuke of two owls perched on a branch. The plumage of
            the birds are carved extraordinarily well, and their expressions are
            are slightly leaned towards each other – they are male and female,
            as males are known to be larger. Interestingly, owls are an emblem
            of ingratitude, as they are believed to be capable of devouring their
            own mother. Natural himotoshi through the branch. Owl netsuke are
            quite rare, and models are known by Mitsuhiro, Itsumin and Ikkyu,
            this carving is very much in the style of the latter. This netsuke is
            signed SOSHIN, a very rare artist.
            HEIGHT 5 CM

            Condition: Very good condition
            Provenance: The 40-Year Collection of a London Gentleman

            Auction comparison: Compare to a similar netsuke by Ikkyu sold at
            Part I, London, 8 November 2016, lot 145.
            Literature comparison: A comparable netsuke of a parrot is illustrated
            in ‘Netsuke & Inro Artists and how to read their signatures’ by
            George Lazarnick, 1981, page 1037.
            Estimate EUR 1.200,-
            Starting price EUR 600,-

                                                          A RARE AND FINE NETSUKE OF AN OWL ON A BRANCH BY
                                                          MASAYUKI                                                                          203                                          204
                                                          "Y -ASAYUKI  WOOD NETSUKE                                                         A FINE IVORY NETSUKE OF A QUAIL ON MILLET AFTER   AN IVORY NETSUKE OF TWO QUAILS BY KAGETOSHI
                                                          Japan, late 19  CENTURY  -EIJI PERIOD                                             OKATOMO                                      "Y +AGETOSHI  IVORY NETSUKE
                                                                                                                                            Signed Okatomo, ivory netsuke                Japan, Kyoto, first half of the 19  CENTURY  %DO PERIOD
                                                          A charming wood netsuke of an owl perched on a branch and                         Japan, Kyoto, late 18  to early 19  CENTURY  %DO PERIOD
                                                          looking upwards. The plumage and the gnarly structure of the                                                                   4WO QUAILS  uzura) and millet, a subject known primarily from
                                                          branch are carved precisely and naturalistically. The large eyes are              A compact and accomplished study of a quail on two millet   Okatomo of Kyoto but executed here by Kagetoshi in his distinctive
                                                          inlaid in pale translucent horn with black pupils. Owl netsuke are                HEADS  THE LEAVES GOING UP THE SIDE OF THE QUAIL  uzura). The quail   style, namely an ovoid spherical shape with much openwork,
                                                          quite rare. Interestingly, owls are an emblem of ingratitude, as they             represents martial spirit and is also a symbol of poverty. Quail   worked in sukashi-bori  A CARVING STYLE WHICH HE BECAME FAMOUS
                                                          are believed to be capable of devouring their own mother. The                     and millet together are a symbol for autumn. The plumage of the   FOR   THE MILLET  awa) partly over the two quails. The motif of quail
                                                          carving very much in the style of Itsumin and the himotoshi are                   quail is naturalistically carved, as well as the millet with its smooth   and millet symbolizes the fall season. All details are precisely carved,
                                                          found on the underside of the branch. Signed MASAYUKI.                            leaves. Natural himotoshi and signature located one of the leaves   the netsuke has an optimally rounded shape, natural himotoshi
                                                                                                                                            OKATOMO.                                     on the underside between the millet spikes, beside the signature
                                                          HEIGHT 4 CM                                                                                                                    KAGETOSHI within a rectangular reserve.
                                                                                                                                            HEIGHT 2.2 CM, LENGTH 3.7 CM
                                                          Condition: Excellent condition                                                                                                 HEIGHT 2.7 CM, LENGTH 3.4 CM
                                                          Provenance: German private collection                                             Condition: One eye has been replaced, otherwise excellent
                                                                                                                                            condition                                    Condition: Excellent condition
                                                          Auction comparison: For a similar netsuke in the style of Itsumin                 0ROVENANCE  "RITISH PRIVATE COLLECTION WITH TWO VALUATIONS FROM   0ROVENANCE  "RITISH PRIVATE COLLECTION WITH TWO VALUATIONS FROM
                                                          SEE "ONHAMS  &INE *APANESE AND +OREAN !RT  .EW 9ORK     -ARCH                     3OTHEBY S  BY .EIL +  $AVEY  DATED              INVENTORY NO      3OTHEBY S  BY .EIL +  $AVEY  DATED              INVENTORY NO
                                                          2017, lot 6178.
                                                                                                                                            Estimate EUR 1.000,-                         Auction comparison: For another quail and millet netsuke by
                                                          Estimate EUR 1.000,-                                                              Starting price EUR 500,-                     +AGETOSHI SEE #HRISTIE S  *APANESE !RT AND $ESIGN  ,ONDON     -AY
                                                          Starting price EUR 500,-                                                                                                       2010, lot 122.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Estimate EUR 1.500,-
                                                                                                                                                                                         Starting price EUR 750,-

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