Page 82 - Fine Japanese Netsuke, Sagemono, Oikimono April 29, 2019 Galerie Zacke
P. 82

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                                               A FINE NETSUKE OF THREE MONKEYS WITH A PEACH, SCHOOL                                         AN UNUSUAL WOOD NETSUKE OF A BLIND MONKEY FIGHTING
                                               OF OHARA MITSUHIRO (1810-1875)                                                               ANOTHER MONKEY BY MASACHIKA
                                               Signed Mitsuhiro, ivory netsuke                                                              "Y -ASACHIKA  WOOD NETSUKE
                                               Japan, Osaka, 19  CENTURY  %DO PERIOD                                                        Japan, 19  CENTURY  %DO PERIOD
                                               An unusual subject for the artist, however when considering the                              A very unusual and compact composition of a large blind male monkey holding
                                               quality of the carving and the staining, this netsuke is on par with                         a peach, one of the eyes inlaid in ivory and the other in horn. A smaller male
                                               SOME OF THE lNEST NETSUKE PRODUCED BY THE /SAKA SCHOOL  $EPICTED                             monkey, aware of the other monkey’s disadvantage, is kneeling below him and
                                               is a large male monkey, hiding a fruiting peach branch behind his                            trying to steal the peach he is holding. The expression of the larger monkey is
                                               back, while one young monkey climbs over his back, with one hand                             brilliantly captured as he realizes the attempted robbery and grabs the other
                                               on the very large peach. The other monkey is restrained by the father                        monkey by the fur at the back, the differently inlaid eyes give him a crazed
                                               monkey, trying to break free and follow his brother. An incredibly                           look. The smaller monkey’s eyes are inlaid in translucent horn and he has a
                                               lively scene, all six eyes are inlaid in dark horn, and the expressions                      mischievous expression. Very good treatment of the fur and the underside
                                               are characterful, reminding of the carvings of monkeys by Mitsuhide                          equally well carved with natural himotoshi and signature in a polished reserve
                                               or Masachika. Worn signature MITSUHIRO in a rectangular reserve                              MASACHIKA. The artist carved invariably monkeys and according to the scholar
                                               located on the peach – the carving probably from one of the pupils                           F. M. Jonas, Masachika was the adopted son and successor of Kaigyokusai
                                               OF /HARA -ITSUHIRO                                                                           Masatsugu and the father of Kaigyokudo Masateru.

                                               HEIGHT 4.1 CM                                                                                HEIGHT 3.8 CM, LENGTH 4.5 CM
                                               Condition: Good condition; very good and appealing patina with                               Condition: Very good condition, the wood slightly worn in some areas
                                               some wear, minor expected age cracks and the signature worn                                  Provenance: "RITISH PRIVATE COLLECTION WITH TWO VALUATIONS FROM 3OTHEBY S  BY .EIL
                                               0ROVENANCE  "RITISH PRIVATE COLLECTION WITH TWO VALUATIONS FROM                              +  $AVEY  DATED              INVENTORY NO
                                               3OTHEBY S  BY .EIL +  $AVEY  DATED              PROBABLY INVENTORY
                                               no. 97                                                                                       Auction comparison: For a netsuke of a comparable netsuke by Masachika see
                                                                                                                                            Christie’s, Japanese and Korean Art, New York, 21 September 2006, lot 294
                                               Estimate EUR 4.000,-                                                                         Literature comparison: A very similar or the same netsuke illustrated with a line
                                               Starting price EUR 2.000,-                                                                   drawing in The Meinertzhagen Card Index on Netsuke in the Archives of the
                                                                                                                                            "RITISH -USEUM 0ART !  &REDERICK -EINERTZHAGEN  EDITED BY 'EORGE ,AZARNICK
                                                                                                                                            New York, 1986, page 408.

                                                                                                                                            Estimate EUR 3.000,-
                                                                                                                                            Starting price EUR 1.500,-

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