Page 118 - Bonhams Hong K June 2016
P. 118
In Imperial China, no other wood was as precious and highly valued as 立櫃對開兩門,間有活動立栓,立櫃櫃門皆作落堂踩鼓式,頂豎櫃的
zitan wood, which was chosen often the wood of choice for furniture 門心板浮雕山水亭台樓閣,豎櫃門心板浮雕對應山水亭台紋,高山碧
made for the Imperial court during the Ming and Qing dynasties. By 水,綠樹松蔭,亭台乍現。頂豎櫃與豎櫃邊框陰刻萬壽紋,並安有銅
the mid-Qing dynasty, supplies of zitan wood became scarce and 鏨螭紋鎏金活頁及頁面,配雲形拉環。門內裝樘板設抽屜。門下牙條
during the Qianlong period special measures were taken by the Court 浮雕山水紋。四腿直下。
to preserve existing stores, which were kept for use by the Imperial
workshops; see Tian Jiaqing, Classic Chinese Furniture of the Qing 四件櫃,又名頂箱櫃或頂箱立櫃,緣於一封書式立櫃之上加頂箱,由
Dynasty, Hong Kong, 1995, p.37. 於成對計算,故謂四件櫃。紫檀木質珍貴,明代開始即為宮廷使用,
Compound cabinets such as the present lot are also known as 代,宮中所使用的紫檀原料皆為前朝所取。更多有關清宮紫檀的論述
sijiangui, or 'four-part wardrobes', and are made in pairs. Compare 請閱田家青,《清代家具》,香港,1995年,頁37。
a related example of zitan cabinets from the Qing Court Collection,
decorated with landscape scenes in relief, illustrated in The Complete 參看北京故宮博物院藏一件清中期紫檀耕織圖頂箱式四件櫃,著錄於
Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum. Furniture of the Ming 《故宮博物院文物珍品全集:明清家具(下)》,香港,2002年,頁
and Qing Dynasties (II), Hong Kong, 2002, p.240, pl.204. 240,圖204。
Image courtesy of the Palace Museum, Beijing