Page 28 - Bonhams Hong K June 2016
P. 28

The present lot is exceedingly rare and no other example appears            Tang Ying, a bondservant of the Plain White Banner at the Imperial
to have been published. It embodies the height of Qing dynasty              Household Department, had served at the court in Beijing from the
porcelain production, reaching its zenith in quality and innovation         age of 16. Before he became a master potter, he had already been
under the supervision of the celebrated master potter, Tang Ying            well versed in painting and calligraphy – accomplishments that helped
(1682-1756) and the guidance of the Yongzheng emperor. The                  him later in his career to boost the quality of porcelain decoration at
complexity of its form and vulnerability underlines the rarity of this lot  the Imperial kilns. While still serving the court in Beijing, the Yongzheng
and the importance of its existence, having been safeguarded for            emperor already had him create designs for porcelains produced at
over one hundred years.                                                     Jingdezhen. In 1726 he was sent to supervise the Jingdezhen Imperial
                                                                            kilns personally, and continued his services during the Qianlong
In form, the most comparable example is that of a famille rose              emperor's reign. In his innovations, Tang Ying turned to Chinese
moulded candlestick, Yongzheng four-character mark and period,              antiquity for inspiration, but also to the exotic influence of the West,
which was sold at Christie's London on 8 November 2011, lot                 which began with the Kangxi emperor's fascination with scientific
406, and later sold at Poly Auction, Beijing, on 6 June 2015, lot           instruments and technological advancements brought to the Imperial
6330. The rare famille rose moulded example, formed part of a               court by Jesuit priests and artisans, but also continued during the
five-piece garniture, comprising an incense burner, two vases and           following Yongzheng and Qianlong reigns. According to the official
two candlesticks; see Christie's London, 7 April 1982, lot 62, for an       list from 1735, recorded on the Taocheng jishi bei ji [Commemorative
example of a three-piece famille rose moulded part-set, Yongzheng           Stele on Ceramic Production] composed by Tang Ying, an order from
mark and period, comprising an incense burner and two vases. The            the Yongzheng emperor was noted: 'Imitate the Western cast vessels,
only other known candlestick of the famille rose moulded type, is           (including) five-piece altar sets, dishes, vases etc., paint to render
the extant lower section, which was sold in our London rooms on 5           (effect), also emulate the Western painting style'.
November 2009, part lot 195. Similarly, it is possible that the present
lot would have been part of a five-piece garniture set, as                  The Yongzheng emperor's fascination with the West is aptly
may be indicated by a similarly decorated iron-red enamelled                demonstrated in the commissioned portrait showing the emperor in
'dragon' hexagonal vase, Yongzheng, with similar design with fiery          a European outfit, reinforcing the Imperial image of ruler of 'all under
dragons amidst flames and clouds above crashing waves, which                heaven'; see A.Jackson and A.Jaffer, eds., Encounters: The Meeting
was sold at Sotheby's Hong Kong on 8 October 2014, lot 3706,                of Asia and Europe 1500-1800, London, 2004, p.8. The modelling
although this example unlike the present lot and the famille rose           of the present lot, influenced in form by European silver candlesticks,
moulded examples, does not bear a Yongzheng mark.                           yet adorned with the Imperial five-clawed dragons amidst clouds
                                                                            and above breaking waves, islands and bats, provides a cultural link
                                                                            between East and West, the emperor and the European influence on
                                                                            Chinese aesthetics.

A famille rose candlestick, Yongzheng mark and period,
sold at Poly Auction, Beijing, 6 June 2015, lot 6330
清雍正 洋彩浮雕巴洛克式花卉螭龍紋花台

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