Page 52 - Bonhams Hong K June 2016
P. 52

The rich even deep jihong glaze on the present vase is a continuation        唇口,短頸,豐肩,弧腹肩以下漸收,近底處微撇,平底內凹圈足。
of the underglaze-copper-red glazes produced from the Yuan dynasty           外壁通體施霽紅釉,釉質沉穩瑩潤,釉色均勻。底施白釉,以青花書
and the early Ming dynasty, particularly during the Hongwu and               雙行楷書款。瓶身造型俊秀,胎質細膩,實為難得。
Xuande reigns, offering a challenge for the potters. The underglaze-red
glaze, also known as 'sacrificial' red, was revived during the Kangxi        霽紅釉為明初創燒之高溫釉,以明代永樂、宣德最為著名,宣德以
period, when the langyao or sang-de-boeuf glazes were created by             後,紅釉很少燒製。由於燒造技術要求很高,紅釉燒造在失傳二百年
the Imperial kiln supervisor Lang Tingji (1663-1715) alongside the           後,到康熙時期再度出現,雍正時期又重達高峰,其釉質和色調較前
peachbloom glaze. Copper-red glazes continued into the Yongzheng             朝更為潤澤艷麗,燒造質量為後朝歷代所不及,故雍正霽紅釉是以宣
period, with further innovations such as the flambé glaze. The               德作為標準,在康熙郎窯基礎上,經過雍正親自的督辦和年希堯、唐
Yongzheng emperor was personally involved with the production of             英的努力下而獲得成功的御窯精品。
the Imperial kiln; dissatisfied with the thinness of the sacrificial red
glaze on some newly made vessels, he is recorded to have sent on the         霽紅的燒造和雍正皇帝個人的藝術喜好有直接關係,雍正皇帝為提高
14th day of the 8th month of the 7th year (corresponding to 1729) five       紅釉燒造品質,曾多次下旨監督。根據《清宮內務府造辦處活計清檔·
shards with thick sacrificial red glaze to Nian Xiyao for future reference;  記事雜錄》記載:雍正七年八月十七日,「郎中海望持出碎霽紅磁片
see The Tsui Museum of Art: Chinese Ceramics IV, Qing Dynasty,               邊五塊。奉旨:此釉水甚厚,新燒得甚薄,不知是何原故,著伊照此
Hong Kong, 1995, pp.47 and 81 note 11.                                       破瓷釉水燒造,欽此。」,參看《徐氏藝術館:中國陶瓷IV,清代》
A related red-glazed meiping, Yongzheng mark and period, of slightly
larger size, is illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the   北京故宮博物院藏有雍正霽紅釉梅瓶一例,尺寸稍大,見《故宮博物
Palace Museum: Monochrome Porcelain, Hong Kong, 1999, pl.24.                 院藏文物珍品大系:顏色釉》,香港,1999年,圖24。霽紅釉至乾
The use of the copper-red, or 'sacrificial' red glaze, continued into the    隆時期亦有續燒,乾隆一例梅瓶,見《徐氏藝術館:中國陶瓷IV,清
Qianlong reign; for a related meiping, Qianlong seal mark and period,        代》,香港,1995年,圖39。
see The Tsui Museum of Art: Chinese Ceramics IV, Qing Dynasty,
Hong Kong, 1995, pl.39.                                                      香港蘇富比曾售出雍正一例,2016年4月6日,拍品3637;另見趙從
Compare a related copper-red-glazed meiping, Yongzheng mark and              日,拍品3613及3614。
period, which was sold at Sotheby's Hong Kong on 6 April 2016,
lot 3637; and see two other copper-red-glazed meiping, Yongzheng
marks and period, from the T.Y.Chao collection, sold at Christie's
Hong Kong, 1 June 2011, lots 3613 and 3614.

               Image courtesy of the Palace Museum, Beijing

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