Page 88 - Bonhams Hong K June 2016
P. 88

The four-character kaishu mark in the interior of the cover reads         此盒六瓣形,通體髹朱漆。盒面隨形開光,內雕山水樓閣圖,畫面上
xiaoxia baohe, which may be translated as 'Treasured Box of Summer        山水相連,水面波光粼粼,左側立水閣,一位老者於閣內烹茶,一童
Retreat'.                                                                 子正捧書步向水閣,水面右側有一漁人在船舟上吹笛,中間山石柳樹
The Qianlong emperor oversaw the production of court lacquer wares,       及底髹黑漆,蓋內刻填金「消暑寶盒」器名款,器底刻「大清乾隆年
with particular reference to cinnabar lacquer boxes and covers with       製」楷書款。此盒人物風景刻畫嚴謹細膩,雕刻刀法精準圓潤,朱漆
dual Imperial marks, as exemplified by the present lot. According to the  色澤肥厚鮮麗,極富立體感,非常符合乾隆皇帝的藝術風格和審美需
archives of the lacquer workshop in the Imperial Palace Workshops,        求。
Zaobanchu, located in the Forbidden City, it is recorded that on the
fourth month of 1738, the Qianlong emperor ordered the workshop to        乾隆一朝可說是清代漆器製作的鼎盛時期,乾隆帝致力推動了漆工藝
produce carved lacquer wares with engraved Qianlong reign marks. It       新的繁榮,於在位第三年已下旨織造處製作雕漆,並著刻乾隆年款,
is further recorded that later during the Qianlong reign between 1771     在宮廷主導下生產出一系列工藝精湛、樣式創新和色彩豐富的精美作
and 1775, a number of specifically carved lacquer baohe or 'treasured     品。到了乾隆三十六至四十年左右,乾隆帝頻繁地製作多種品類的雕
boxes' were produced by order of the emperor, with specially              漆寶盒,器型有花形盒、輦形套盒等,除此之外,更為各種樣式的漆
inscribed four-character names as well as the Imperial reign marks.       盒以文學題材命名及刻命,如尋詩寶盒、洗桐寶盒等,又如本品上所
See Lin Mun-lee, Carving the Subtle Radiance of Colors: Treasured         刻的「消暑寶盒」,由此可見本盒為乾隆皇帝親自下旨製作的作品。
Lacquerware in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, 2008, p.117.           有關乾隆一朝雕漆風格的論述,請閱台北國立故宮博物院,《和光剔
                                                                          采 – 故宮藏漆》,台北,2008年,頁116-117。
The present lot belongs to a group of deeply carved cinnabar lacquer
boxes and covers which successfully project a three-dimensional           乾隆時期的雕漆寶盒造型多見方形委角形、圓形、四瓣式形等,類似
visual effect and a sense of movement through precise knifework and       於本器的六瓣形例子較為罕見。可參考台北國立故宮博物院藏一系列
masterful execution. However, it is rare for its hexalobed form, unlike   乾隆雕漆寶盒,同樣飾開光紋飾和刻有器名款及乾隆年製款,但大部
other circular and quatrelobed examples which are more commonly           分為方形委角形或五瓣梅花形,見台北國立故宮博物院,同上,頁
seen in museum collections. Compare examples of quatrelobed boxes         121-123,圖版109-113。北京故宮博物院亦藏兩件五瓣梅花形剔紅
and covers with dual marks, illustrated by Lin Mun-lee, Carving the       寶盒可資對比,見李久芳編,《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集:清代漆
Subtle Radiance of Colors: Treasured Lacquerware in the National          器》,2006年,頁12-15,圖版7及8;另參考一件剔彩步月寶盒,其
Palace Museum, Taipei, 2008, pp.121-123, nos.109-113. See further         盒側所飾開光折枝花卉紋與本器相近,頁42-43,圖版26。
related examples of red lacquer boxes and covers with dual marks
from the Qing Court Collection in the Palace Museum, Beijing: two
pentalobed boxes and covers centrally decorated with figures in a
landscape scene with floral cartouches at the sides, illustrated in The
Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum. Lacquer
Wares of the Qing Dynasty, Hong Kong, 2006, pp.12-15, nos.7 and
8; see also another circular box and cover showing a figure traversing
landscape under the moonlight, the sides carved with comparable six
panels of floral sprays, illustrated in ibid., pp.42-43, no.26.

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