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22                                                                          23
19th century                                                                SHAKYAMUNI
Finely carved on one side with a rabbit grinding the elixir of immortality  18th century
with a pestle and mortar next to a tree, the other side with a rooster      Skillfully carved with a double-lotus base, the shrine decorated
on rockwork, both depicted standing above swirling waves beneath a          with three tiers of alternating stylised shou characters, interspersed
cloud-filled sky, the stone of an even white tone.                          between lotus blossoms borne on meandering scrolls beneath beaded
5.3cm (2in) diam.                                                           drapes, the vertical spire of thirteen raised bands further surmounted
                                                                            by a circular parasol and a double-gourd finial; a figure of Shakyamuni
HK$60,000 - 80,000                                                          seated cross-legged in dhyanasana above a lotus pedestal within the
US$7,700 - 10,000                                                           throne, his hands resting in dhyanamudra, his downcast eyes and
                                                                            serene expression framed by lobed ears and curly hair ending in an
十九世紀 白玉雕玉兔公雞圖佩                                                              ushnisha.
                                                                            37cm (14 1/2in) high (2).

Provenance 來源:                                                              HK$150,000 - 200,000
An Asian private collection, acquired in Hong Kong in 1973 by repute        US$19,000 - 26,000

遠東私人收藏,傳於1973年購於香港                                                          十八世紀 青玉雕佛塔及釋迦摩尼佛坐像

The rooster, gongji 公雞, symbolises good fortune, as the second              The representation of stupas in the prized jade material is very unusual
character of the name is a homophone for 'auspiciousness' (ji 吉). The       making the present lot exceptionally rare. However, the Qing Court
rooster is also connected to high ranking officials because its crowning    Collection, does include a number of jade figures of Buddha, illustrated
comb, jiguan 雞冠, is also a pun for an official's 'cap'. The rooster         in Compendium of Collections in the Palace Museum: Jade 8, Qing
is also associated with the cosmological yang symbol as it crows in         Dynasty, Beijing, 2011, pp.270-274, nos.234-238.
the morning when the sun rises, thus representing the sun and yang
energy.                                                                     A related example of a pair of green and white jade stupas, 18th/19th
                                                                            century, from the Prince Kung Collection, was sold by American Art
The hare, or rabbit, on the other hand, is related to the cosmological      Galleries, New York, in 1913, lot 194, and one of the pair was sold
yin symbol, representing night, darkness and the moon. According to         later at Sotheby's New York on 26 September 1986, lot 215.
Daoist mythology, the rabbit was a companion of the Goddess of the
Moon, Chang E. Rabbits have also come to symbolise longevity as             本佛塔雕工精熟,線條精準流暢,體現了十八世紀時期的精湛工藝,
they are often depicted preparing the elixir of immortality with a pestle   為難得一見的精品。傳世品中類似於本品的玉佛塔非常少見,更多見
and mortar. The auspicious combination of rooster and rabbit therefore      玉佛像配鎏金塔和背光的例子。北京故宮博物院藏幾件玉佛坐像例子
symbolise the harmonious duality of the universe.                           可作參考,見《故宮博物院藏品大系:玉器編8·清》,北京,2011
雞冠的冠字與官同音,寓意官職。兔在道教文化為嫦娥的化身,又因                                              恭親王舊藏一對十八/十九世紀青白玉佛塔亦可資參考,此對佛塔於
傳說中玉兔隨嫦娥在廣寒宮搗長生不老藥,寓意健康長壽。公雞天性                                              1913年售於紐約American Art Galleries,編號194,其中一件後又售於
清晨報曉,代表太陽,在太極裏屬陽;而兔為月亮的化身,則屬陰,                                              紐約蘇富比,1986年,編號215。
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