Page 110 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 110

72                       HIZEN POTTERY.

                                                  No. 84.

                        Painted  in  black  upon    a  Vase   of  porcelain made    at
                   Arita.   Hi-zen, Ari-ta.

                                                  No. 85.

                        Painted  in  red upon    a Vase   of Porcelain     modern, of
                   inferior  workmanship.    Hi-zen, Ari-ta,    Hira-bayashi    seisu.
                   Made   by Hirabayashi, Arita, Hizen.


                                                  No,  86.

                        Painted upon    a Vase of porcelain, of fair workmanship.
                   Arita, Kanaga-ye.      Kanagaye, the name of the maker,        and
                   the town   in which he     resides.
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