Page 10 - Bonhams Chinese and Comtemporary Paintings Nov 2014 Hong Kong
P. 10
Current scholarship in the field of Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy 目前有關中國書畫之研究,不允許對畫家及完成日期,作無懷疑的聲
does not permit unqualified statements as to Authorship or date of 明。附錄二「買家協議」裏所包含的有限權利之購買取消條文,於中
execution. The limited right of rescission contained in the ‘Buyer’s 國書畫無效。不論上述如何,若二十一日之內,買方以書面通知邦瀚
Agreement’ of Appendix 2 does not apply to Chinese paintings. 斯該畫為贗品,以及在提供該通知書後十四日之內,將物品以出貨時
Nonetheless, if within twenty-one days of the sale of any such lot, the 之狀況交還邦瀚斯及證明至邦瀚斯滿意為止該畫為偽造物時,邦瀚斯
original purchaser gives written notice to Bonhams that the lot is a 將取消該交易並退回購買價。「贗品」在上述指為蓄意欺騙之目的而
forgery and within fourteen days after giving such notice, the original 作的作品。
purchaser returns the lot to us in the same condition as at the time
of sale and demonstrates to our satisfaction that the lot is a forgery,
Bonhams will rescind the sale and refund the purchase price received.
For this purpose a ‘forgery’ is defined as a work created with the intent
to deceive.