Page 270 - Bonhams Chinese and Comtemporary Paintings Nov 2014 Hong Kong
P. 270
1506 吳友如 金陵十二釵 設色紙本 手卷 一八八三年作
Wu Youru (?-1893) 款識:
Jinling’s Twelve Beauties (一)梳成鬆髻出簷遲,折得梨花三兩枝。欲插上頭還住手,偏從人
Ink and colour on paper, handscroll (二)東閣梅圖一兩枝,先春現出好豐姿。友如。
Inscribed and signed Wu Youru, with twenty-five seals of the artist (三)故園空鎖暮煙涼,冷落荒亭人斷腸。友如吳嘉猷。
Dated guiwei year (1883) (四)輕舟阻雨晚來潮,一曲琵琶慰寂寥。似向潯陽江頭去,荻花風
Scroll label and frontispiece by Wang Pinkang (b.1944) with seals, 葉雨瀟瀟。友如並句。
both dated guisi year (2013) (五)打起黃鶯兒,莫教枝上啼。友如。
Frontispiece 24 x 66.5 cm (9½ x 26¼ in),
Painting 24 x 365.5 cm (9½ x 143¾ in).
HK$100,000 - 150,000
US$13,000 - 19,000
268 | Bonhams