Page 323 - Bonhams Chinese and Comtemporary Paintings Nov 2014 Hong Kong
P. 323


1554                                                          啟功 行書東坡詩 水墨紙本 鏡心 一九九〇年作

Qi Gong (1912-2005)                                           款識:羅浮山下四時春,盧橘楊梅次第新。日啖荔枝三百顆,不辭長
Calligraphy                                                   做嶺南人。庚春(1990)道長兄雅正,啟功。
Ink on paper, mounted
Inscribed and signed Qi Gong, with three seals of the artist  註:詩文出自宋代蘇軾《惠州一絕》。
Dated gengwu year (1990)
69.5 x 49.5 cm (27¼ x 19½ in).

HK$160,000 - 260,000
US$21,000 - 34,000

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