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1622                                                                巴秋 蔬果圖 設色紙本 鏡心二幅 二〇一二年作

BA QIU (b.1947)                                                     (一)
Vegetables                                                          款識:青白圖。壬辰(2012)冬月,巴秋寫真於荷戟樓齋。
Ink and colour on paper, mounted                                    鈐印:洪、心象之境、天地一閑卒
Each inscribed and signed Ba Qiu, with three or fives seals of the
artist                                                              (二)
Each dated renchen year (2012)                                      款識:壬辰(2012)夏,巴秋寫真於黃山。
47.5 x 59 cm (18¾ x 23¼ in) each. (2).                              鈐印:洪、巴秋、弱水一瓢、詩哲造化、心画

HK$60,000 - 80,000                                                  出版:《心象物語》,中國青年出版社,2014年,頁64至65
US$7,700 - 10,000

Published: Xinxiang Wuyu, Zhongguo Qingnian Chubanshe, 2014,

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