Page 409 - Bonhams Chinese and Comtemporary Paintings Nov 2014 Hong Kong
P. 409


1644                                                         董辰生 貴妃醉酒 鏡心 設色紙本 二○一一年作

Dong Zhensheng (b.1929)                                      款識:貴妃醉酒。天生麗質難自棄,一朝選在君王側。回眸一笑百媚
Drunken Beauty                                               生,六宮粉黛無顏色。歲在辛卯(2011)秋月,辰生寫。
Ink and colour on paper, mounted
Inscribed and signed zhensheng, with one seal of the artist
Dated xinmao year (2011)
66 x 137.5 cm (26¾ x 54 in).

HK$80,000 - 100,000
US$10,000 - 13,000

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