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1657                                                                      何百里 翠谷山泉 設色紙本 鏡心 二〇一四年作
HE BAILI (b.1945)
Landscape                                                                 款識:甲午(2014)孟春於自在軒,百里愜心之作。
Ink and colour on paper, mounted                                          鈐印:百里、自在軒、筆加墨等於零、何家山水
Inscribed and signed Baili, with four seals of the artist
Dated jiawu year (2014)                                                   何百里,嶺南畫派第四代傳人,1945年出生於廣州,早歲習嶺派技法
47.5 x 72.5 cm (18¾ x 28½ in).                                            並萌志發展嶺派山水新方向。弱冠舉辦首屆個展,以香港風光寫生為
HK$120,000 - 180,000                                                      年間,風格由濃厚寫生氣息一變為水墨大寫意山水,取勢曠闊,用筆
US$15,000 - 23,000                                                        豪邁,風格突出。1984年移居北美洲,飽覽歐美各大美術博物館,就
He Baili was born in Shun Tak County, Guandong province. At the           立了彩墨交融,古情新意的「何家山水」。
age of fourteen, he began studying Lingnan school painting. He then
concentrated on creative landscape paintings, moving from intensive       始於1988年,何氏的山水創作首次出現於紐約佳士得拍賣目錄,至今
copying of nature to expressive impressionist works.                      在國際藝術市場已有二十多年歷史。2002年法國藝術市場透視網站Art
                                                                          Market Insight,發表全球1000位當年破紀錄的藝術家,何氏是唯一在
After he immigrated to Canada in 1984, he conducted an extensive          世的中國畫家,排名第639。
study of Chinese paintings in Western museums, and focused his
efforts on studying Song and Yuan paintings. He ultimately developed      何百里認為藝術的永恆魅力,是一個「變」字。四十多年來,何氏畫
a style that harmonises the spirit of East and West, the ancient and      風及題材就隨著生活環境的變遷而變化,從早歲率性描述香江漁舟田
contemporary art known as the “He style of landscape painting,”           野,旅加後筆底氣象萬千的連綿山嶺和錦繡奪目的加國楓彩系列,到
characterised by an integration of ink and color, and the refinement      回歸後秀美的中國山川意境,均各具特色。近期主力「方韻系列」創
of traditional techniques. He has resided in Canada for more than         作,強調一種意象之美。雖有所本,但境在像外,移形入意,筆觸和
twenty years.                                                             隨機墨彩交融,顯得更為流動和幻化。新法新貌,備受藏家認同。何
His recent works arrest the viewers’ eyes with their extravagant          仙、玫瑰、荔枝、石榴等,別饒意趣。
colours and natural flow of brushstrokes, creating a style that pays
attention to both expression and craftsmanship.                           何氏身處國際藝壇數十載,各方獎譽及購藏無數,出版《何百里畫
The published works this artist include Works of Art by He Baili,
Baili’s Vision, He Baili’s Idyllic Hong Kong in Ink, Miniatures, and Fan
Paintings by He Baili.

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