Page 93 - September 11 2018 Junkunc Collection Sculpture
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fan and the figure’s wardrobe abandon their western heritage. By the Tang dynasty, illustrations of the
debate developed further and painted representations of the sutra began to outnumber stone carvings.
The Longmen caves also include figures carved in a similar style, such as three bodhisattvas seated in
a pensive pose, illustrated in Zhongguo meishi quanji: Diaosu bian. [Complete series on Chinese art:
Sculpture section], 11: Longmen shiku diaoke [Sculptures of the Longmen caves], Shanghai, 1988, pls 53-
5; and a fragment of a flying apsara, from the collection of Albright-Knox Art Gallery, sold in these rooms,
19th-20th March 2007, lot 506. See also other stone representations of Vimalakirti, along with other
standing disciples and angel-like female figures hovering mid-air, illustrated in Longmen Shiku, Beijing,
1980, pl. 112, and Li Wensheng ed., Longmen shiku zhuangshi diaoke, Shanghai, 1991, pl. 139.
ज℁䐰䰟ᇎⴠ⿌䰂㋚ᦖ㾝ᅲธ喑ᅑ㺸⿌VI̭䀃∂ ओज℁䐰᪥ᄷ咺䪭ⴠ⿌҉Ҹ喑䷕ᵩⰥ䓾喑࠲᠙̶ᄷ
Ҹ喑䠱Ⅱ䛻⌲̭喑Ȩ䰟ᇎⴠ⿌ȩ喑ϙ䘪喑1951㜠 㤖㫖喑䐶Ȩ͚స㒻㶀ڕ䯳 䰂ൾ㌕ 11 咺䪭ⴠ⿌䰂
1956Ꭱ喑ࢤIII喑ృ❵31喍ృ̭喎ȡₑ䵚፣ᑄ㸎श ݨȩ喑̷⊤喑1988Ꭱ喑ృ❵53 5喠ओ℁̭丈๖Ҹ喑
ϋᐼ፪喑㚠⾬倅䲡喑ᠮ厵ᅫ喑㔹䲋͚ᐼ㓪喑ज ܧ㜗 Albright Knox Art Gallery喑ਜ਼㈽㈱㬴ჹ℁
㺸ڣ䷕ᵩϺऄใҳᒞ䴬ȡ䥾㻭䰟ᇎⴠ⿌Ⱬ㋚ᦖ㾝喑 2007Ꭱ3ᰵ19㜠20ᬒ喑㌕㮌506ȡओज℁䐰᪥㋚ᦖ
ज㺸ڣᒏ䆎ࡃ⮱⑁䂷ȡݝγښ̓㈭喑㋚ᦖ㾝͚ᠮ 㾝ᅲธҸ喑䐶Ȩ咺䪭ⴠ⿌ȩ喑ࡄϙ喑1980Ꭱ喑
ࣷ丫ጟ♣̺㺸ใҳ㉍ȡ㎩㜠А喑㋚ᦖ㾝䀃∂ ృ❵112ࣷᱻ᪴⩌㌕喑Ȩ咺䪭ⴠ⿌䪭㸊丫䰂ݨȩ喑̷
ᒏ䆎ᰡߍ⮩ᆂ喑㋀᪴ᩲθ⪘䪸ᮛ䕺喑᪥䛼ϓ䪸 ⊤喑1991Ꭱ喑ృ❵139ȡ
Fig. 1 A carving of Vimalakirti in the Yungang grottoes, Cave no. 6, as illustrated in Seiichi Mizuno, Yun-Kang: The Buddhist Cave-Temples
of the Fifth Century A.D. in North China, Kyoto, 1951-56, vol III, pl. 31.
ృ̭ 䰟ᇎⴠ⿌ښ㮌⿌͚㋚ᦖ㾝喑䠱Ⅱ䛻⌲̭喑Ȩ䰟ቄⴠ⿌ȩ喑ϙ䘪喑1951㜠1956Ꭱ喑ࢤIII喑ృ❵31