Page 99 - September 11 2018 Junkunc Collection Sculpture
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he particularly expressive treatment of the
                                                                                       stone is consistent with Buddhist stone
                                                                            Tsculptures produced during the Sui and
                                                                             early Tang periods. Compare an earlier fragmentary
                                                                             relief head of a seated monk, believed to have come
                                                                             from the Northern Xiangtangshan Caves, formerly in
                                                                             the Yamaguchi Collection, now in the Osaka Municipal
                                                                             Museum of Art, included in the exhibition Chinese
                                                                             Buddhist Stone Sculpture. Veneration of the Sublime,
                                                                             Osaka Municipal Museum of Art, Osaka, 1995, cat.
                                                                             no. 44.  A related Tang dynasty head of a monk, in the
                                                                             National Museum, Stockholm, is illustrated in Osvald
                                                                             Sirén, Kinesiska och Japanska Skulpturer och Malningar,
                                                                             Nationalmuseum, [Chinese and Japanese Paintings in
                                                                             the National Museum of Stockholm], Malmo, 1931, pl. 26.

                                                                             㫼喑⤫ႅ᫩๔䭗ጯ⿸㒻㶀乕喑䠱᫩Ȩ͚పɮⴠϼ 㢅࣠ɪʋ
                                                                             ᫩ૉϮ咺喑ȨKinesiska  och  Japanska  Skulpturer  och
                                                                             Malningar   Nationalmuseumȩ喑仙❫吅喑1931Ꭱ喑ృ❵


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