Page 205 - Christie's London Fine Chinese Ceramics Nov. 2019
P. 205

          LARGE DISH
          YONGZHENG PERIOD (1723-1735)
          The large dish is decorated to the interior with a
          scene depicting the emperor, the empress and
          court ladies on a large canopied boat, surrounded
          by further ladies and attendants in smaller
          boats, viewing lotus blossoms on a pond. The
          rim is decorated with four leaf-shaped fgural
          cartouches reserved on a seeded-ground with
          fowering branches.
          17 in. (43.2 cm.) diam.
          £5,000-8,000         US$6,300-9,900
          With Cohen and Cohen, London.
          Compare to a similar decorated dish also from
          the Yongzheng period sold at Christie's London,
          30 April 2015, lot 87.

          清雍正 粉彩采蓮圖大盤
          倫敦古董商 Cohen and Cohen


                                                              A FAMILLE VERTE 'WATER MARGIN' DISH
                                                              KANGXI PERIOD (1662-1722)
                                                              The dish is fnely decorated to the centre with three military characters from
                                                              the popular novel The Water Margin, Shuihu Zhuan, each holding a sword,
                                                              a polearm and a book, their armour fnely enamelled and highlighted in gilt.
                                                              The base has a three-character Wenxin Zhai mark in underglaze blue within a
                                                              8¿ in. (20.7 cm.) diam.
                                                              £5,000-8,000                          US$6,300-9,900
                                                              Two of the three fgures on the present dish can be identifed by the signs
                                                              suspending from their belts as characters from the popular novel Shuihu
                                                              Zhuan: The fgure on the right holding a sword is Liu Tang, standing opposite
                                                              Dai Zong holding a polearm. This dish belongs to a set of decorated dishes
                                                              similarly inspired by Chen Hongshou's illustrations in The Water Margin,
                                                              published in 1657. A distinct feature of these dishes is the absence of any
                                                              backdrop or complementary pattern in the background. Compare to a set of
                                                              four similar decorated dishes in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London,
                                                              one illustrated in Rose Kerr, Chinese Ceramics: Porcelain of the Qing Dynasty
                                                              1644-1911, London, 1986, p. 102-103, no. 81. Another dish from the Shanghai
                                                              Museum is illustrated by Wang Qingzheng, Kangxi Porcelain Wares from the
                                                              Shanghai Museum Collection, Hong Kong, 1998, p. 305, no. 132. Compare
                                                              also to another dish sold at Christie's New York, Marchant: Nine Decades in
                                                              Chinese Art, 14 September 2017, lot 741.

                                                              清康熙 五彩「水滸傳」盤

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