Page 24 - Robert Youngman Collection Of Chinese Jade March 2019 Sotheby's
P. 24

           MING DYNASTY
           the rounded body of oval section set over a conforming foot and rising to an everted rim, the rim extending at one end for pouring, the opposite end
           set with a scrolling loop handle, the exterior sides with a central register of raised bosses divided by vertical flanges imitating those on ancient bronze
           ritual vessels, the stone a pale green color flecked with icy white inclusions and fine russet veins

           明   青玉雕乳釘紋匜
           Length 4⅝ in., 11.7 cm
           $ 5,000-7,000

           PROVENANCE                           來源
           Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan B. Hart.   Ivan B. Hart 伉儷收藏
           Weisbrod Chinese Art Ltd., New York, 26th September   Weisbrod Chinese Art Ltd.,紐約,2002年9月26日
           2002.                                出版
           LITERATURE                           羅伯特•楊門,《楊門藏玉:中國玉器·新石器時代至
           Robert P. Youngman, The Youngman Collection of   清代》,芝加哥,2008年,圖版208
           Chinese Jades from Neolithic to Qing, Chicago, 2008,
           pl. 208.

           Compare a Ming dynasty yellowish white jade vessel of this form, but with its cover, in the collection of the Tianjin Museum
           of Art, published in Zhongguo bowuguan congshu: Tiajinshi yishu bowuguan [Chinese Museums Series: Tianjin City Art
           Museum], vol. 6, Beijing, 1984, pl. 204; and a Ming dynasty white jade example with plain sides and a chilong-form handle in
           the collection of the Freer Sackler Galleries, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., acc. no. S1987.726.


           MING DYNASTY
           the broad U-shaped body supported on a short circular foot and flanked by a pair of angular handles, the exterior of the body carved with three rows
           of raised bosses between a raised fillet above and below, the stone a grayish-green color accented with black flecks and veins of darker green

           明   碧玉雕乳釘紋簋式爐
           Width 4⅞ in., 12.3 cm
           $ 3,000-5,000

           PROVENANCE                           來源
           Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan B. Hart.   Ivan B. Hart 伉儷收藏
           Weisbrod Chinese Art, Ltd., New York, 26th September   Weisbrod Chinese Art, Ltd.,紐約,2002年9月26日

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