Page 63 - 2020 December 1 Bonhams Hong Kong, Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of art
P. 63
The present cabinet, with its clean and simple lines, represents one 櫃頂黃花梨攢邊打槽裝板,柜身圓材,門框黃花梨,門邊上下出頭門
of the most popular and successful designs in classical Chinese 軸納入臼窩,兩門之間立閂桿,柜櫃内分兩層,底層安抽屜兩隻,門
furniture construction, and was widely admired during the Ming and 板則為整板楠木,立墻及兩側板材為軟木,底棖三面嵌牙條,柜櫃内
Qing dynasties. Compare with a pair of cabinets also constructed 壁掛麻灰黑漆,漆面發斷紋,櫃門及閂桿安銅活。此櫃高三尺,為小
with various woods, including burlwood door panels and structural 型圓角櫃,北方擺於炕上,又稱炕櫃,南方則多置地上,櫃頂可放陳
panels of huanghuali, illustrated by R.H.Ellsworth, Chinese Furniture, 設器物,故柜帽頂部裝黃花梨板平鑲,做法高級。黃花梨小型圓角櫃
New York, 1970, pl.122; and see another single huanghuali cabinet 有以其他木材嵌門板,以楠木為多,可比較一件黃花梨癭木門軸門櫃,
with burlwood door panels, illustrated by G.Wu Bruce, Two Decades 其門板嵌楠木癭木,可資比較,見伍嘉恩著,《明式家具經眼錄》,
of Ming Furniture, Beijing, 2010, p.217. Compare also with a pair of 北京,2010年,頁217;亦可比較一對黃花梨嵌癭木門板圓角櫃,著錄
huanghuali, nanmu and hardwood tapered cabinets, 17th century, 於安思遠,《Chinese Furniture》,紐約,1970年,圖版122。塞克勒
which was sold at Sotheby’s New York, 16 September 2009, lot 6. 舊藏一對十七世紀黃花梨楠木圓角櫃,亦資參考,2009年9月16日售
See also another huanghuali and nanmu round-corner tapered cabinet 於紐約蘇富比,拍品編號6。另可比較Ronald W. Longsdorf舊藏一隻
of similar size, from the collection of Ronald W. Longsdorf, which was 黃花梨楠木圓角櫃,大小類似,2011年9月15日售於佳士得紐約,拍
sold at Christie’s New York, 15 September 2011, lot 1339. 品編號1339。