Page 116 - Dreweatts November 10 2021 Chinese Works of Art
P. 116
Lu Xiaoman (1903-1965), Longevity, ink and
colour on silk, signed and with one seal of the
artist, dated 1940, picture size 44cm x 28cm
陆小曼(1903-1965)《献寿图》 设色绢
本 卷轴
Anonymous Chinese School (Qing Dynasty),
Magu and deer, ink and colour on silk, scroll,
picture size 74cm x 34cm
清 匿名《麻姑贺寿图》 设色绢本 卷轴
Hei Bolong (1915-1989), Mount Huang, ink and
colour on paper, scroll, signed and with two
seals of the artist, picture size 49cm x 36.5cm
黑伯龙《黄山图卷》 水墨纸本 卷轴 248 249
246 247
245 245 246 247
Anonymous Chinese School, Portrait of a Xu Cao (1899-1961), Lady and parrot, ink and Anonymous Chinese School (Qing Dynasty),
seated prince, Qing Dynasty, ink and colour on colour on paper, scroll, signed and with one Hunting scene of the Jiaqing Emperor, ink and 250A
silk, picture size 128cm x 68cm seal of the artist, picture size 80.5cm x 35.5cm colour on silk, inscribed, picture size 138cm x Bo Hou (Qing Dynasty), calligraphy, scroll,
68cm signed and with three seals of the artist,
清 《满蒙贵族像》设色绢本 卷轴 徐操(1899-1961)《仕女鹦鹉》 设色纸 picture size 43cm x 27cm; and Liang Jingfeng
本 卷轴 清 匿名《嘉庆皇帝狩猎图》 设色绢本 (20th century), Kingfisher, ink and colour on
£600-800 卷轴 scroll, with one seal of the artist, picture size
£300-500 57.5cm x 44cm (2)
Private American collection
梁景峰《翠鸟》设色纸本 立轴
拍品来源:美国私人收藏 250 250A
114 | +44 (0) 1635 553 553 Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT 115