Page 155 - Dreweatts November 10 2021 Chinese Works of Art
P. 155

 A large Chinese blue and white brush pot, of slightly waisted cylindrical form, painted   363
 around the exterior with scholars engaged in leisurely pursuits, incised borders, possibly   A Chinese blue and white kendi, the globular body
 Qing Dynasty, 23.9cm high x 23.5cm wide   decorated with sprays of chrysanthemum and peony, below
            a prunus scroll at the shoulder, 24cm high; and a blue and
 青花高士奕棋图笔筒  white kendi, of elephant form, the tall neck rising from a
            ruyi band set atop a fringed blanket decorated with qilin, the
 £200-300   elephant’s head turned upwards and the truncated tusks
            forming the double spout, the base inscribed with a six-
 360        character zhengde mark, 22.5cm high (2)
 A Chinese blue and white ‘Dragon’ censer, the cylindrical body rising to an inverted
 dished rim, painted with a pair of dragons in pursuit of flaming pearls above crashing waves   青花"大明正德年制"军持等两件
 divided by three moulded mythical beast heads, 14cm high x 16cm wide
 明 青花龙纹三足炉

                                                                               A Chinese blue and white brush pot, in
                                                                               transitional style, painted with a qilin mythical
                                                                               beast in a landscaped garden scene, 11.8cm
                                                                               diameter x 15.2cm high; a Chinese blue and white
                                                                               ‘Double gourd’ vase, painted with cartouches
                                                                               enclosing river scenes, 25.5cm high; and a Chinese
                                                                               blue and white gu vase, decorated with floral
 360                                                                           foliage, 23.6cm high (3)
 A Chinese blue and white charger, Kangxi, painted with peonies and            青花花卉纹觚、麒麟纹笔筒及葫芦瓶一组
 foliage, 35cm diameter                                                        三件

 清康熙 青花大盘                               364                                    £200-300



 Two Chinese blue and
 white dishes, Kangxi, with                                    365
 pine, bamboo and peony,
 35.3cm diameter and 31.3cm
 diameter (2)
 清康熙 岁寒三友图盘两件  Four Chinese Blue and White double-walled shallow planters, Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Period, painted with trellis design to the top rims, each
            raised on four feet, all of slightly different sizes but each approximately 23 cm x 16.5cm x 6cm and another similar, 23.5cm x 16.7cm x 6cm (5)
 £400-600   清乾隆 青花水仙盆一组五件

 152 | +44 (0) 1635 553 553     Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                   153
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