Page 220 - Dreweatts November 10 2021 Chinese Works of Art
P. 220
538 Y
A Japanese Cast Bronze Model of an Elephant, its head lifted and its
trunk raised, foundry seal cast to its belly, tusks inlaid in ivory, length
52cms, Meiji Period; with wood stand
535 Y From the estate of the late Selwyn Demmy.
A Japanese Cast Bronze Group of an Elephant, rearing on its hind
legs with trunk raised as two Siberian Tigers attack it, the tusks inlaid £300-500
in ivory, bears the cast foundry mark to its belly, height 51cms, Meiji
Period; with shaped wooden stand
539 Y
Provenance: A Japanese Bronze Animalier Group, depicting an elephant
From the estate of the late Selwyn Demmy. being attacked by two Siberian Tigers, the pachyderm rears on
its hind legs in alarm as the tigers cling to it, the tusks inlaid in
£800-1,200 ivory, foundry mark .......ko, height 46cms, Meiji Period
From the estate of the late Selwyn Demmy.
£800-1,200 538
Genryusai Seiya: A Japanese Cast Bronze Model of a Lion,
the animal is standing four-square with head raised and
mouth open in a roar, the eyes inlaid in glass, length 42cms,
cast seal beneath, Meiji Period
From the estate of the late Selwyn Demmy.
A Japanese Cast Bronze
Model of a Prowling Siberian
Tiger, its head turned slightly
to its left and snarling, details
of its markings acid etched,
foundry mark cast beneath,
length 54cms, Meiji Period;
with wood stand 539
Provenance: 540
From the estate of the late A Japanese Bronze Figure of A Boy, possibly intended as Kintaro The Golden Boy, he
Selwyn Demmy. stands pirouetting on one foot, his robes flying in the breeze, his right hand raised to
hold a sword, his left grips its scabbard, the figure mounted on a circular base, height
£500-800 overall 49cms, unsigned, Meiji-Taisho Period
£200-300 540
218 | +44 (0) 1635 553 553 Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT 219