Page 57 - Dreweatts November 10 2021 Chinese Works of Art
P. 57

115   116   118
 A Chinese celadon jade gourd-shaped   A Chinese pale celadon and grey jade   An attractive large pair of Chinese ‘Horse’ soapstone ‘seal’
 plaque, one side carved with sages in a   pierced ‘Shou’ box and cover, 19th century,   carvings, late 19th century or early Republic, uncut bases, 27cm
 mountainous landscape and a large pine   carved openwork with gourds and vines, the   high x 10cm square (2)
 tree and the other side with a pagoda on   base and top with circular shou symbols,
 a lake with a pine tree above, 13cm high x   10.5cm diameter, later wood stand  Provenance:
 9.4cm wide x 4mm deep, wood stand  By family descent from the late Major Harry Stanley (1910-
 Provenance:   1997), who in 1957 was recruited from the Royal Automobile
 白玉葫芦形山水图牌  From a Noble English family, prior to 1921   Club in London to run the newly formed Hong Kong Tourist
 £1,000-1,500  清19世纪 玉镂空福寿纹盖盒
 拍品来源:英国显赫贵族收藏,购自  镂雕寿山石印一对
 1921年前     拍品来源:Harry Stanley (1910-1997)家族私人收藏

 £200-400   £400-600


                                                                        A pair of Chinese Jadeite archaistic vases and covers,
                                                                        Republican Period, each vase has loose ring handles and is
 115                                                                    carved with stylized taotie masks, the covers with ‘lion’ finials,
                                                                        the stone white with emerald green inclusions, the vases
                                                                        approximately 18cm high and overall height with wood stand
                                                                        22cm; a white jadeite figure of a dancer, Republican Period,
                                                                        the stone of even white tone, figure 13.5cm high and overall
                                                                        height with wood stand 18cm and a small Jadeite figure of a
                                                                        Sage, the stone in green, celadon and the back carved with a
                                                                        tree in brown, 7.5cm high (3)

                                                                        Private Family Collection Dorset.

 116                                                                    民国 翡翠饕餮纹瓶一对等各式翡翠件

 117                                                                    £500-800
 A Chinese celadon jade archaic style pouring vessel, Qing
 Dynasty, with carved handle and sides, brown and mottled
 white inclusions, 12.7cm long x 7cm high x 6cm wide, wood
 stand and fabric covered box
 By family descent from the late Major Harry Stanley
 (1910-1997), who in 1957 was recruited from the Royal
 Automobile Club in London to run the newly formed Hong   120
 Kong Tourist association.   A Chinese celadon jade small bowl or brush washer, the jade flecked with brown and
            grey markings, the rim carved with a key-fret band, 9cm x 4.7cm high diameter, wood
 117  青白玉仿古角杯  stand
 拍品来源:英国Harry Stanley (1910-1997)家族私
 人收藏        玉钵

 £400-600   £800-1,200
 54 | +44 (0) 1635 553 553     Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                    55
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